You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Shur we need negative PCR’s to even see a cunting GP.

Yes it is and it has been for years and you seem to have no opinion of it. Why do you not want any action on it? These are people who in most cases put their health at risk through their lifestyle choices.

Here’s the question for you, again.

There’s a young chap on here said it was like a heavy flu. I don’t care how fit you are, a heavy flu would floor you… Not saying you’d need the hospital but a flu, if you’ve ever had it, would lay you out flat for a few days.

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Here’s the question for you again.

So why are you a flu denier?

A heavy flu would alright. Everyone is different. Luckily enough I’m genuinely never sick.

Havent caught covid either yet. I expect that I will though.

What I am far more worried about is a vaccine mandate similar to Austria being brought in here in the new year. I’d say there’s a good chance it could happen too.

And I suspect it would make no difference either longterm even if 100% of the population were triple vaxxed.

Good initiative shown by @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy


I would guess so. Gerry Killeen can stomp around Africa for a few years encouraging vaccines whilst the West waits for their meaningful Christmas because variants keep arriving.

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It’s no surprise to see Italians dodge vaccines… They are a very dirty and smelly people.

And The Coronas mocking us last night by playing a gig

More racism from the pseudo intellect.

Hopefully. At this stage I don’t see why the rest of the country should be held to ransom by a tiny minority any more.

Jaysus really, is there such a thing as a flu measuring tape?

Your ignorance on how the health system works on show again. Smokers arè told to give up smoking. If they don’t they’re given short shrift.


If I’ve to pay monthly fines etc I’ll do so. Don’t worry mate.

I won’t be changing my mind.

Good idea. Levy a tax on the unvaccinated equivalent to their burden on the health service. Then you can have your choice and take responsibility for it instead of dodging responsibility and looking to the rest of society to look after you because you think you are a precious little snowflake.

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Are you saying smokers aren’t treated by the HSE if they don’t give it up?

Are you really that fucking deluded? I know you’re a dope and I know we saw yesterday that you’re a very nasty person who like to use the deaths of forum members to score points on here but it seems your idiocy is off the chart. Go cosy up to the doxxer again, you make cosy bedfellows.

How can countries manage an effective vaccination programme when they’re denied vaccines?

Capitalism denied Africa and the rest of the world vaccines.

This forum was fine with that - after all, it’s capitalism in action.

This variant and other variants come from mass spread. Mass spread anywhere means the world is at best in a constant state of precarity. And it cannot function like that in the long term without the end of anything close to what we knew as normality.

ISAG were and are completely correct that tolerance for Covid is a fool’s game.

Youse here believe there is a safe level of mass spread. There isn’t. Yis are are in la la land. Normality bias gone mad.

You’re badly rattled. Are you fearing your next holiday to torremolinos is under threat or something?