You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Smokers pay heavy taxes on cigarettes which contributes to the health budget.

Are you happy to pay the unvaccinated levy as suggested by TMI?

if anyone has time on their hands could they put together a table there with 3 columns just highlighting the differences between a flu and a heavy flu and covid
i had covid and it was basically a blocked nose and a bit tired,

here ill start


Its not my suggestion. Thats come from Greece mate.

I’m badly rattled. You can’t even answer a straightforward question. Why should society look after you? Why do you think you deserve special treatment?

We should start charging for people who get vaccinated for them.

We saw how leeches like you were decrying vulnerable people not getting them early on then went about weaseling your way to jump ahead of vulnerable people yourself so you could hop on a plane this summer. You were calling for these people to be sacked if I recall so why didn’t you resign when you did the same thing?

How do you stop that in the devolving world? COVID is spreading here in one of the most vaccinated countries on earth.

The cradle of civilisation. I’m glad you agree with them.

No, vaccination saves the state money, dum dum.

Neither can you.

Typical hysterical shrieking from you. Your narcissism on full display.

I don’t. I think its just more coercion. It won’t work either just like the covid certs didnt.

They’re starting with the over 60’s.

this is tremendous material


How has it?

94% of the adult population done and it’s been a complete failure. You are incredibly stupid.

You can’t even answer a straightforward question on here but have hissy fit when you claim the same isn’t done. Weasel.

How apt


You’re the guy who called for vaccine thieves to get sacked and a couple of weeks later did the same yourself and bragged about it.

There are cunts in life and then there are people like you, the snide cunt who tries to pretend they’re a good person but only use people and causes to further your needs with no empathy at all to it, they’re just a means. That’s a sociopath and that’s what you are.


ah that has to be WUM… that’s brilliant
like one of those “texts from a listener” that come in to Pat Kenny in the middle of an interview with Luke Wahey Wahoh O Neill that is about 1000 words in length and contains data from medical journals

A heavy flu generally would have a serious fever and aches in your body for a period of 2-4 days that you are more less bed bound.

Standard flu would seem similar to what Covid is there on your list.

In fairness to @glasagusban , he has fallen hook line and sinker for the propaganda.

He should by right take his ire out on Nphet and this shambles of a government.

Deep down he knows he was completed codded earlier this year with the silver bullet vaccines. He has to blame someone. The unvaccinated minority are an easy target for him and people like him.

Should have done my own resurch on Facebook like you eh?

I’ve not had it but there’s a chap on the forum dealing with it currently and he said it was like a heavy flu. I hope he makes it.

Can anyone go behind that paywall please?