You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I havent been on Facebook since 2010 , mate.

In fairness to him. He’s insincere, he likes to use causes and people to further himself. We saw it when he was getting outraged at non-frontline staff getting vaccines early on and then a week or two later he availed of the same loophole to get one so he could jet off in the summer. He was looking for those people to be sacked two weeks beforehand then he was laughing about it a couple of weeks later.

When you think of him think of someone like Bressie, someone will use any social issue, problem or person to advance their own interests with scant regard for the avenue they use.


I haven’t been on Facebook since 2014 either.

It’s amazing the lies the vaccine fascists spread.

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It is quite incredible and its only going to get worse too. Week by week their views are getting more and more extreme.

Imagine anyone backing a mandatory vaccine even 12 months ago. Absolutely no one in their right mind would have.

Slowly but surely they’re getting more extreme.

lads are really starting to crack now with a lockdown and savage restrictions coming, after them all being little good boys and getting their jab and travel papers only for them now to be told it isn’t worth a fuck


It’s the extremism of it.

94% uptake and it has done fuck all to curb transmission. They are raging they were made mugs of and now want to impose vaccinations on the canny operators because they don’t like some people were more intelligent that them and were shrewd enough to see vaccinations achieved little.

The loons aren’t able to give a serious answer to where this all ends.

Transmission doesn’t matter mate, it’s the hospital facilities being overwhelmed is the problem.

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It does matter.

As long as there’s transmission there’s Covid. As long as there’s Covid then there are people in hospital and dying.

So it seems you don’t actually care about people being sick or dying. Nice admission.

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Sad you never spoke out about flu.

Covid isn’t going away you know.

Hard to argue with that poll outcome.


I don’t understand your stance on the vaccine… Is it you don’t trust what’s in it? Or You’re against all vaccinations? Or that you think covid vaccines in particular are pointless? Or you just want to be proven right you stubborn bollox…

I’m not sure how you think you’ve got one up on people, it’s only a bit of medicine.

Of course not. Anyone can see that.

You have tied yourself up in a knot here. Why did you not care in 2018?

4 Households will be permitted t mix under the new guidelines, unvaccinated are not permitted entry to a vaccinated persons home

I don’t think I’ve got one up on people at all mate. Ultimately I knew that the vaccines were rushed out and proper clinical trials were not done. I’m not against vaccines at all.

I’m in good health in my mid 30’s and I felt I didnt need to take them. Its as simple as that. Covid statistically in my case would be a mild illness. I’ve a greater chance of dying in a road traffic accident realistically.

I also know some people that have been injured by the vaccines. Serious blood clots etc. None of that is ever mentioned in the media though. There is no debate in this country. Its just all one narrative and thats very wrong.

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Transmission is the key mate. Without transmission there is no virus.

And the reason for that? Because these are new, more transmissible variants which came from places which were not vaccinated. And with this latest one, it likely came from a continent which is, what, 3% vaccinated?

The developed world made the decision to leave Africa behind as regards vaccination. Capitalism made that decision. As it did the decision to treat as equal to actual expertise the notions that were “liquefied computing systems” and “666, the mark of the beast” in the vaccines.

The whole of the world needs to be vaccinated. Otherwise we will face the consequences as a species.

But vaccines aren’t stopping the spread