You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

i) They significantly reduce spread - as they almost certainly will do too with Omicron and
ii) they on average greatly reduce death rates and greatly lessen symptoms if you are infected - as they will almost certainly do with Omicron.

But Omicron likely chips further away at their effectiveness - very likely in terms of infection and spread - enough to get us to a place where we will have a big problem again.

How right. How do you propose to address this?

*with Covid.

The anti-vacc health facists have been told this maybe a thousand times and it hasn’t got through - whether that’s because they don’t or won’t understand it, who knows.

You’re wasting your time bro.


I think that’s the main argument AGAINST the new restrictions. Were either totally fucked or we’re not. Closing pubs two hours early etc will not make the slightest difference. Only NPHET seem not to see this

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South Africa backdates hospital admissions, ie. more are added to the figure for a particular date over the following week. So the figures for today’s and yesterday’s admissions are incomplete and will be larger than the chart here shows.

I would look at where the vast majority of transmission is. The hospitals and nursing homes mate.

Thats where the crux of the problem is. Build up bed capacity to start with. The money is there to do it. Why havent we done so?

I wouldnt be blaming 9 year old children anyway or telling them not to mix like Nphet during the week.

“no mingling between tables” per the archbishop…

It ll be like a scene from a village dance in the 50s when the local parish priest walked around the dance floor with a stick

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How can people so brazenly keep lying about vaccines significantly reducing spread. It’s an outrageous lie, disputed on a daily basis by the new cases.


its all they have left, now the vaccine are exposed as totally useless

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A cod vaccine for a rebranded flu.

These are people whose only life is on an obscure Internet sports message board

Have my ferry pass for Sunday.

In a Delta only situation, lessening or removing the few restrictions we still have, especially in the run up to Christmas, will likely once again bump up the figures to a place where we are in trouble (50 deaths a week and mass illness including chronic illness is already trouble in my view, though there would be some grounds for optimism were we to remain in a Delta only situation and have most of the population boosted with a third dose).

With this new variant it might all be irrelevant, certainly any discussion of a pick and mix restrictions regime would likely be.

JK Galbraith said “ideas are inherently conservative. They yield not to the attack of other ideas but to the massive onslaught of circumstances with which they cannot contend.”

Why did he wait so long before sending out the boosters then?

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Belgium have brought in measures to restrict movements and all kids over 6 have to wear masks.

What, an idea like Zero Covid?

We dont live in South Africa though. Pointless comparison.

Just leave them as they are now surely seeing as cases at worst stabilising ? Could we have forum agreement??

Because they’re locked out of society because they don’t have a covid cert?