You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No I think restrictions have got to be tightened considerably for the Christmas period at least.


They rely on hunches and guessing to form an opinion. Their low IQ doesn’t stop them from telling the experts they know more than them. Ignorance and arrogance are a potent mix. You’d feel sorry for medical professionals having to deal with the unvaccinated.

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If you’d told me pre Covid that the left wing woke self declare liberals on TFK would be calling for denial of hospital treatment to people who have a different perspective to them and are largely non nationals

I’d probably have believed you


Lenin and Carnegie were both in agreement - if you don’t work you can’t eat. The unvaxxed won’t work for society, they should be thrown out of crowded ICUs.


I’d LIDTF until most people had got third dose but it ain’t gonna happen, the likes of me are basically pissing in the wind with our views at this stage. Increased restrictions is the best we can hope for.

This outrageous lie has been debunked time and time again by actual data. There is a small difference in transmission in vaxxed v unvaxxed. It’s shameless stuff. Bottom of the barrel propaganda.


Coming over here eating our hospital food …

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The woke liberals turning off incubators on babies who are not vaxed is only months away

Young Women not getting the HPV vaccine need to be interned.

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Who has seriously called for that?

Isn’t it a core tenet of right wing culture war insanity that people should be denied hospital treatment and certainly adequate hospital treatment based on lack of ability to pay?

The anti-vaxxers have literally gone into hospitals and denied vital hospital treatment to those of the same persuasion as themselves.

And I didn’t see you calling that out.

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Did you?

It’s great that these lads are happy to self-humiliate in public so you can just dismiss them as cranks.

Sure most of these crazies led a campaign to legalise murdering babies.

Seemingly there were around 5,6,7,8 cases that came from this concert.

10 days in and qe have 25% of part 6 done. Well done lads. I can truly say we are not done with covid and some fellas claim that we are. Stop lying to yourself we all love it.

Ban Steps

Risking your life for a Steps concert seems a bit strange, but thats Scotland for you.



Hospital admissions seem to be skewing much younger with Omicron compared to Delta.

Would imply that Omicron will affect the unvaccinated younger cohorts more seriously than Delta did and that vaccination in the older cohorts still offers a good deal of protection against it.

A Chain Reaction that could spell disaster for Scotland.

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