You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Sure look it, every time they eat a deep fried pizza slice they’re risking their life.

@Cheasty Would you ever just think fuck ‘society’ on a bigger level and just be mad to get out for a rake of pints in a packed pub? Even just for a night or two over Christmas just think completely about yourself and not other people

There’s an evil side of me that hopes this is terrible. I like say one in four of us will die from it. It would lead to a total breakdown of society. The whole world as we know it would collapse. Everything that’s important would become meaningless.

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There’s a war coming soon if Governments keeping going on the way they are, forcing people to get vaccinated for this cod of a thing


Another run of the mill lockdown does nothing for me.

Is closing time for Drinking what’s upsetting you here?

When did this Arthur fella turn up?

We wont be far behind you’d reckon

I’ve largely stopped drinking and certainly largely stopped drinking rakes of pints. Just out of habit, not decision. I don’t particularly miss it. And I don’t feel I’m missing much by not going to pubs at the moment.

On a more serious note do you know why they stopped contact tracing in schools?

Cos dey was done wiv Covid?

Apparently kids don’t get ill from Covid.

Rangnick will do fine pal. Don’t worry.

I think we’ve already pretty much seen the total breakdown of society.

Vast majority of people are only going through the motions in life really. Very little enjoyment out there compared to 2 or 3 years ago even.

Life is what you make it.

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I started reading a book called Sapiens last night. We’ll be fucked eventually it’s just a matter of when and how.

A species of “man” called homo erectus survived for nearly 2 million years before dying out.
Homo Sapiens are only about 300k years old.


In times like that, this weirdo decides to take to Twitter.

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Are you an only child?

It’s good to talk talk.

You couldn’t make it up