You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Haven’t Gov there advised masking up again as they’re getting nervous of numbers rising again?

Yea they have and to be fair there seems to be good compliance so far.only place you don’t is in Pubs and restaurants.

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There is no equivalence between your dulard humour and my snappy quips

That’s disappointing to hear. Taught the UK knew it was all a cod.

As long as it gets under your skin every now and again, it works for me

No nightclubs, no house.

Did Micheal Martin say anything about techno?

They were probably angry she didn’t call them far right.

“ we’ve lost dancing “ he remarked.

In 1985 Mick Jagger and David Bowie covered “Dancing In The Street” as a Live Aid charity single.

Maybe the Government could do something similar this time with Mick Martin filling in for Bowie. The Two Micks.

Bob Geldof could organise another Live Aid concert in the street in aid of the entertainment industry to be held in pissing rain on New Year’s Eve. Couldn’t be any worse than the alcohol-free official Millennium “celebrations” held outdoors in Merrion Square.

There only another 5 years to go, this thing is only starting

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So we’re back to where we were this time last year.

Only difference is 95% vaccinated.

Sure lookit



“Children aren’t people”

And mugs like @the_man_himself and @Tim_Riggins calling it a great success.

Why don’t you move if Ireland is such a he’ll hole mate? Life is too short to go around with so much despair.

What restrictions were introduced? Anything major outside of numbers from households gathering?


I bought tickets this morning for 2 Many DJs in District 8 before Christmas. Now I will have to go in January.


They killed indoor events by making them all seated and restricted to 50 per cent capacity.

Any music gigs or pantos won’t be viable you’d imagine.

I’d say a lot of money will be lost.

When the Gaiety is a Zara we’ll look back and laugh.


It’s just not right

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Had a look through Twitter there. Was it always almost universally anti Nphet or has the mood music changed?

Leo talking out both sides of his mouth as usual with a few pops at nphet in the press conference

you were one of the original granny killers along with fellas on ski trips to northern Italy