You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

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Leo is a pussy, itā€™s grand to chime in after the fact but he sits in government and is afraid to open his mouth when it might matter somewhat.

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Noelle will be seething

Itā€™s changed

Oh no she wonā€™t

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I wish it was. We are currently riddled in school with it. As are all the other schools in the area. 500 cases one secondary

If things havenā€™t opened up without any restrictions by the end of February then you can forget about 2022 as well.


youā€™ll need a passing PCR test to attend a national football league game

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Apt. For the time of year

Cowen wasted his John Prescott moment here

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He was making sense until he made a statement like this

2022 is gone, lads better get used to that very fast

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Heā€™s right more than heā€™s wrong. Unlike a NPHET model

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More bad news:

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What about the feed after a communion ?

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I think it was @Malarkey who was challenged about the serious illness a child had suffered from Covid. The implication was that no children suffered from Covid.

Hereā€™s an article that suggests otherwise. No doubt the anti vacc health facists will point out the number of children dying of other illnesses BUT now they canā€™t deny that Covid kills children

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Iā€™ve accepted that 2022 is gone, Iā€™ve moved on.