You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

a mature and reasonable position to take i think

there’s 3 years of this shit left in Ireland

Everywhere is riddled but nobody seriously sick. Vaccines working and/or doesn’t effect the youth. Breaking news.

Is 2024 ok? I’ve a good feeling about it

Just accept that the 2020s are a write-off. The 2030s are going to be my decade. I’m going to be dominant. I feel good about it.

We’ve a few kids in a bad way and a few staff. I’d it 2 weeks ago and it floored me. Still not right after it. Smell still gone and a constant brain fog (nothing new there says you!)


You’ve been absolutely spot on about everything Covid related since it started in fairness to you.


I’m setting up a survivors group in the mid west. Current working title for it is the great overreaction but open to something more catchy.


Don’t even think about claiming Long Covid mate. You’re just a bedwetter.

Out of a population of how many? Out of how many positive cases?

You’ll be bald, infertile and fat by then.

Leave me out of this you cunt

Don’t even go there mate. You’ve been claiming that Covid doesn’t affect young people and ridiculed a poster’s claim of a 12-yr old being seriously affected. You’ve just been shown to be completely wrong and you want to go into “ah but it’s only 0.0000000000000000000000000000000001%” Any case proves you wrong and these are deaths here among young children. But young children’s deaths don’t matter to you, do they?


Looks like I’m gonna miss out on a fair few gigs planned for the next 5 weeks.
Fuck it anyway,

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Ah fair enough I thought you were going to attempt to make a genuine point rather than a completely disingenuous, manipulated and untrue statement. Would Covid rank in the top 20 causes of death in children?

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Mate, I proved you wrong. Accept it and move on.

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Ah sure I know a good few people with similar symptoms. Saying that, we have to learn to live again.

No you didn’t. You have proven that this not a serious threat to kids. The statistics say that which is why you baulked when I questioned you on population and positive cases for context.

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Don’t worry I won’t. Just letting you know how it hit me. Equally I know people who were bad for a day then grand after that.


I have a full head of hair now. I dont look like a man who will be bald in 8 years. I have 1 uncle on my mother’s side and he has a good head of hair.

I was worried about this and I’ve been discussing it with friends. They advised me that most men never lose all their sperms and with a young enough wife it should be possible. Sperms isn’t like a woman’s eggs with only a finite supply. I have also proven incredibly fertile in the past.

I will need to keep up the fitness

The 2030s are going to be my decade, I can feel it. :muscle::muscle::muscle: