You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I agree. The last few months had been grand over here. Some people wore masks, some didn’t. Pubs were getting going again but cases were still very high. It’s winter so they were always going to jump again and the NHS hasn’t had a break since 2020 so anything extra was always going to put it under stress. The reason for that isn’t just Covid, it’s 11 years of cuts. Covid has exacerbated it.


By the time it’s 2030 you’ll be in Mountjoy for comments you made on here as the Twitter wokesters seize control.

Society is collapsing around. I did my best but you would not listen.

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hahahaha Will you admit that young children can get seriously ill and die from Covid and include an apology to @Malarkey while you’re at it?

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It’s of very little risk to children. That was the government’s position for months as well until they started this current fear mongering for their own reasons. Totemic exceptional cases only frighten idiots. As a parent myself of a child in a country that is absolutely riddled with covid, Brazil I can honestly say that this is of no concern to me whatsoever

I owe no apology whatsoever. You baulked when I called out you sensationalisng and manipulating the stats to create a false picture.

Covid is no more serious than flu is to kids, actually less serious.

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“Ireland has done very well as a country and you have done everything that has been asked of you”

well done lads


Is there any anti lock down protests planned ? They need to keep the 5G crowd away from them this time around.

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I’m not arguing about the level of risk. A poster here has been trying to say it’s of no risk while castigating another poster of their lived experience.

Much of post deleted.
Less than 48 hours after someone mentioned weirdos compiling dossiers on fellow posters I was foolish enough to post something personal. That’s what I have deleted.


It’s clearly of no real risk. The article you posted just backed that up and you’ve baulked when asked to add context.

Plenty of shrieking, scaremongering and misinformation along with an inability to address the context of what you posted. Why you attempted to engage in deceit to make your point is what I’m trying to focus in on.

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That’s absolutely shocking, some people had a few bad days from a mild respiratory illness. Well that’s the most tragic thing I’ve heard all years. Do you ever know anyone who had a bad flu?

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FOAD you cunt. You get shredded here time after time after time and you retreat into pedantry and attempted belittling of people.

You are an UUCOAW


So you’ve never known anyone who got a bad flu then?

I don’t think you attempted to address that.

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tenor - 2021-12-03T204919.246

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The Double Pronged Fulvio Finisher.




If you were a decent father at all you’d be nailing that mask onto your 39 year old child’s face.

“Not the Christmas we hoped for but better than last year” :joy::joy: fuck off rte


Mortio for fulvio


The China virus has killed us

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2024 will be our Independence Year.