You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Ahead of the Covid curve lads


Rte will brand anyone who attends, especially the sane majority as gemma supporters.

Think About It GIF by EL DUSTY

Iā€™m a flu survivor.
Was in bad way for 4 or 5 days one Christmas. Couldnā€™t get out of bed.

Did the missus do the barbecue that year?

That was before I became a pit master


Iā€™ve had two bad flus in my life. Got hit with that Aussie one there 3/4 years backs and was in awful state of sweats and fever for about 2-3 days. The other one was when I was in Uni.

I could certainly see how it would cause serious issues to some elderly or in poor health but generally itā€™s a few days penance.

I was playing football at the time I was in Uni and I must have had long flu as it took me about 2/3 months to regain my full level of fitness. My nose would be running like a tap for the first two months back training.

Flu is a very valid comparison with Covid, itā€™s generally mild but can be very serious at times, it generally wonā€™t effect fit and healthy people adversely but there are rare cases in which it does (eg Christopher Colhoun). Flu is obviously a lot more established and generally people arenā€™t frightened of it whereas some people are still living in an April 2020 mindset with images of Italy in their head at the original outbreak. Everything was novel and unknown then but we know by now itā€™s not a threat at all realistically if youā€™re fit and healthy. If you live in fear of the 1 in 20k chance you will get severely ill or die from it, you may stay under the bed.

Iā€™m not scared of the virus or the vaccine really for that matter, I just like to exercise my obstinance into being forced to something that has no benefits and the threats and intimidation used to try and make me do it. I donā€™t play ball with that and I think itā€™s a much more prevalent in us Ulster folk. People can make their own minds up, trying to force people into doing it is going to be met with resistance.


A lot of common sense here.

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@glasagusban , have you answered anything from this post??

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What a load of shite.

No argument at all as usual.

Youā€™re a bedwetter with a sharp tongue that pretends to have a social conscience.

You are a hypocrite.


Any word if any of them are actually sick?


Youā€™d imagine that would be the most important question but it seems people arenā€™t allowed have minor short term illnesses any more.

It went out of fashion about two years ago.

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I read the reuters article:

Health authorities said the individuals infected were so far displaying mild symptoms, with none hospitalised.

ā€œIt is still too early to say whether the clinical picture of the disease is different in Omicron infections than in Delta infections,ā€ Aavitsland said.

ā€œNone of the patients has severe symptoms; none is hospitalised. However, this is not unexpected given the young age of the participants.ā€

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I donā€™t know.

We only heard about this variant 8-9 days ago. Cases take a week to manifest in hospitalisations and three weeks to manifest in deaths.

Weā€™re going to have to wait for reliable data on this in terms of largely vaccinated populations.

Only heard of. Its entirely possible it has been around for weeks. Possibly got brought to Africa. Only that SA was the first to announce there is a new variant

Ihave to be slightly suspicious of this:

  • weā€™re told omicron has been in Europe, and probably Ireland, since October;
  • Weā€™re also told that it will infect 90 out of 120 full vaccinated people in one night?

I see two possibilities, firstly that it hasnā€™t been in Europe as long as people think, or secondly that itā€™s not much worse than a cold. Maybe Iā€™m wrong.


You bollix :slight_smile: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


It doesnā€™t matter, its all about ā€œcasesā€ with these fucknuts. Cases going through the roof on the mainland but hospitalizations and deaths plummeting. You wonā€™t hear that on RTE though