You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You can’t answer a basic yes or no question you fanny. Come back to me when you’re man enough to answer a simple question and take responsibility for your own choices.

Brits on bbc flabbergasted at our new restrictions with case numbers dropping and one case of omicron. They couldn’t believe it and then mentioned no changes in Northern Ireland so expecting another exodus across the border.


Should the 2k that I’ve paid into VHI this year not count for anything?

You have lost the plot. You don’t have anything to say either really. Disappointing.


A sure tis the drink is the problem

Neither can you.

I asked you repeatedly today to answer one and you refused to.


I would be very surprised if it has been in Europe for much longer than we know about.

I think their death and hospitalisation rate is about same as ours.

The masks/social distancing/ restrictions don’t seem to make a difference.


Full of shrieking but he can’t answer why he possesses double standards on smokers and obese people.

Sure @mikehunt continued the trend of outrageous lies today by saying hospitals won’t treat smokers.


I expected more from @glasagusban , its a shame he has gone down a full Nazi road.

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Nothing really makes a difference, it’s here, it’s going to stay, much like flu.

Leave the bedwetters be and hide under the bed but every normal person needs to get on with it.


In a few weeks people will be likely flabbergasted alright - for the opposite reasons slow learners are flabbergasted now.

We are all just waiting really for the day when someone tells you in conversation that they have a ‘touch of covid’ and nobody passes any remarks. Thats when we will know we are living with Covid.
A number of kids in my local school have missed the last 7 days of classes because they went to a party last week, one of the kids developed a very mild cough and subsequently tested positive for Covid so they all had to be tested and 60% came back positive despite having no symptoms.
Imagine 2 years ago meeting someone who told you they had a ‘touch of the flu’ and insisting they had to stay home for 10 days from school, and all their pals as well.


Very disappointing.

Decrying a poster for not answering a question when he was after refusing to answer one I posed to him about his contradictions. What you will find here is there’s a lot of posters like @glasagusban, @the_man_himself, @Juhniallio who will demand you answer endless questions on here but won’t have the common courtesy to do the same in return. It’s just bad manners really and an inferiority complex they have.

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These restrictions are an absolute win-win for our NPHET overlords.

If cases go up - ‘look, cases are increasing. We have to maintain restrictions to reduce incidence of the disease.’

If cases go down - ‘look, these restrictions work! Ergo we have to maintain them!’


There’s currently no real reason to think that is anywhere near.

It may never happen.

Covid isn’t the flu. No more than smallpox was the flu.

Equating smallpox with Covid.

Somebody needs sectioning.


It’s always lovely to see the projection from the forum’s lobotomised members.

We are being extremely codded, mate.

I know you’re triple vaxxed but you respect other peoples choice. It’s a pity some of the supposed do-gooders here wouldnt have the same humanity about them.

Credit to you for having a fair and balanced outlook.