You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Larry David Reaction GIF


Says the poster whose favourite band is Coldplay. :grinning:

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I remember it alright, but Iā€™d say the lobotomised blowhards here donā€™t - that would be a combination of having nothing in their lives other than alcohol and deliberately forgetting how wrong they got it.

We trued lockdowns, restrictions, vaccines and confusion none if which have gotten us out of this mess. Cant we just let it rip? Or do whatever sweden did?

Public healthā€™s loss is TFKā€™s gainā€¦

Restricting access to gyms in the middle of winter in the name of health is ridiculous


Theyā€™re only restricted for the awkward squad mate, itā€™s fine.


A year late to muzzle nphet but welcome nonetheless


I respectfully disagree.

If you are vaccinated you can go into the gym right?

You can do nearly all that stuff at home quite cheaply

If youā€™re even moderately into lifting weights, no, you canā€™t.

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Yes correct. And if you arenā€™t you canā€™t.

Gym equipment has gotten ferociously expensive (as has just about everything) over the COVID spell.
A semi-decent bar is over 100 quid. To put 150kg of plates on it would be about another 300.

How much is a good gym membership?
I honestly donā€™t know, would it be 300 quid a year?

They vary wildly. Depends on what youā€™re after and how you want to pay.

Serious comment, you should move to Texas and also get a therapist.

Can those of you who follow the numbers and news explain what the goal of these latest restrictions are? My understanding is that numbers were coming down and the r number thingy was back to 1. They delayed boosters for over 65s which saw an increase in hospitalisations but thatā€™s all coming down, no? Is it a ā€˜preventativeā€™ measure, is that what Mick said yesterday?

Paddy has a problem for every solution


The numbers were going in the wrong direction?


The ironingā€¦