You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


As someone who did two tours with the FCA (the stories I could tell) I think this is a great idea. Our reservists need to be utilised now more than ever

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…and provincial

Strange timing as many colleges are finished for the semester and the rest will be by the end of next week.

Unsurprisingly it’s rampant in some colleges at the moment (mainly students but amongst staff as well).

It’s rampant everywhere.
The vaccines have done a great job in limiting the effects of it.

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Absolutely. If you want to have education back on campus, then you have to accept cases will go well up.

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This is Harris on a solo run because Health have done fuck all on use of antigen testing across society more broadly. And you’d have to say fair play to Harris.

I knew very few people who had it this time last year. Every second person I speak to now has a member of their family who has it. Seems to be everywhere but anybody I have spoke to said it’s no worse than a very mild cold for those who have it.

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Get well soon kid


Hadn’t heard a peep out of him for ages

He’s minister for higher education it’s not like his folio is front and centre of news.

Hope you’re feeling ok kid. You’re my favourite anti vaxxer on the forum and I have a bit of a soft spot for you truth be told, but don’t tell the others that.


yes, its everywhere now, the schools are riddled but the positive is that the numbers in hospital arent rising

in terms of how bad it is, ive heard everything from its the worst thing i have ever had from 3 different people to i didn’t even know i had it. 1 out of 4 of us got it in our house, not sure were the other 3 lucky or did we have it before and not know we had it

maybe @padjo has some of these answers


Agreed. Its a good call on his part and using his budget to look after the students under his portfolio. Making a mug of egg head for sayomg there’s no need for subsidised antigen tests

Glad to hear all went well bud.

Clearly locking children up in their room in isolation and giving them virtual hugs is the way forward.

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Uncle’s partner has a few health issues and was due to have a splint put in. They tested her for Covid prior and she tested positive. Luckily her only symptom is a cough. They were scared she’d be in trouble if she got it. Uncle was due to start chemo for a recently discovered tumour but treatment delayed cos he tested positive for it too. No symptoms. Both fully vaccinated with boosters.Vaccines working for them thankfully.

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They should have been more careful and followed the rules. Highly reckless of them.
Great to hear the vaccines are working though.


My brother in law and his two kids have it.

Barely any symptoms across the three of them.

Their aunt on the mum’s side was sick with it so it was traced. She would mind them a lot during the day.

Likely that it was picked up in school.

Asymptomatic cases is a huge challenge in all of this.


A disgusting comment.

They were very careful in fairness but the place they’ve been to most often was the hospital for their various checkups.

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