You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

mike , I hope they are OK but there is a degree of personal responsibility at play hereā€¦
if you are vulnerable , sanitise, good coughing etiquette , avoid crowded spaces , keep distanceā€¦they need to adhere to public health advise and be more careful.
itā€™d reckless of them not toā€¦fucking hell

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They reckon they must have got it in hospital. Theyā€™re very careful. Between the two of them theyā€™ve had a lot of appointments lately.

yeah, its nothing, we all had it in Q2 this year, a blocked nose and a bit tired, people say " of you were so lucky that was it" but in truth thats a load of bollox as 99.99% of people our age and younger only experience thisā€¦ but we were super dilligent and did the test as you can never be too careful with this highly dangerous disease

odd comments earlier with fellas saying asymptomatic people are a problemā€¦ WTF would people prefer if they were actually sick??


@glenshane can I recommend horse dewormer. You might have some lying around the farm. Supposed to be great stuff.

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are this the same crowd who protest about water charges, bin charges and want to " tax the rich"?, youā€™ll see them all with their Palestinian flags as well, are we paying for these people to have a house?

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yeah that crowd, the awkward squad

or socialists as they like to call themselvesā€¦ yer man from people before profit is their Pied Piper


I have already informed the forum of the presence of ivermectin in my successful regimen


Mind yourself aul stock.

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Chop out a few lines of it or shove it up your hole and away you go. Far better than taking some sort of experimental (itā€™s not actually experimental) vaccine.

The Good Place Blame GIF by Global TV

I donā€™t think that is fair at all. That is a family who have had terrible luck with their health over the years and these kids are considered to be very vulnerable, I can well understand the mothers concern. I believe when Swine flu was in Ireland in 2009 some of the family were struck by it and it led to their school having to close its doors for a few days.
The good news is the child has been discharged from hospital again. @Cheasty, as TFKs own version of Priti Patel who never sees a child suffering without wondering how it could be used to benefit his own ideology, might get around to posting up the latest tweet but I have no intention of commenting further on a vulnerable young girl who is clearly scared about her current condition.

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Whatā€™s their problem? The irrational apes have made their choice, why canā€™t they take personal responsibility for the outcome of their choice? Itā€™s very childish.

This is one of the greatest tweets Iā€™ve ever seen.

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Serious main event syndrome


Who told you that?


Always the same type of person in all these types of cases on social media. Always a want, always a need. Itā€™s quite sad sheā€™s using her child to scratch her unreachable itch.


If you read the responses to that tweet you can fully understand the anxiety. The original tweet was thanking all the front line staff, the latest has numerous responses saying not to listen to them, start demanding various procedures and make FOI requests.

Youā€™ll have it in 3 days