You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I think we know why our A&Es get clogged up.

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We arenā€™t dealing with normal people

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We arenā€™t dealing with normal people on this forum.

Weā€™re dealing with a load of unhappy middle aged manbabies.

Last two hoursā€™ worth of posts a prime exhibit.

In fairness mate, Iā€™m sure there are ill advised posts that youā€™ve made that could be linked up on mumsnet or whatever and youā€™d have a forum full of people flabbergasted at the kind of shite youā€™ve come out with and shocked that they live in the same society as such a disfunctional oddball weirdo.

duh, why do you think this is anonymous?

The experts are now pivoting towards the idea that omicron or whatever itā€™s called could be the end of COVID. Highly transmissible but very mild.

Itā€™s almost like a free airborne vaccine.




The expert on rte just now said that itā€™s absolutely way too early to suggest anything like that.

Well thatā€™s the way it looks right now. Another week or so and we should no more.

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Chalk it down ! Winners need only apply ā€¦


The next week or so could be crucial.

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Die ye anti vax cunts die

Proper order

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you know who im talking about, the classic rent a crowd mob, you see them at every protest eveywhere, absolute spongers

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There is seemingly little enough wrong with the daughter or she wouldnā€™t have been sent home twice by the hospital but your wan who is an ISAG groupie is determined to turn her into a political football.


Anyone who wears a mask in their profiler is a wrongā€™un.


We are on the home straight

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Like these people you see driving, in the car on their own, with the mask on.

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Just in the gym and coughed out loud, only then did I realise the optics were very bad.