You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I thought no one gave a fuck? Has the mood music changed over there?

It’s all acoustics now.


Anyone who actively uses social media over the age of 25 is a wrong’un…

On the “mandatory vaccination” stance, politically, id be fairly right of center, id be fairly nationalistic and am probably capitalist enough and respect tradition, however insisting on mandatory vaccination is waay too far right and authoritarian IMHO, we need to give people the element of choice especially when you see that for the vast majority of us this this thing is of neglible impact health wise… now where the right wing part of me comes in is the impact this thing is having on the economy, the restrictions here are impacting livelhoods and dollars, is this is a good enough reason to insist on mandary vacination OR should we still allow people the freedom of choice…

some of the right wing stuff espoused regards making vaccines mandatory and putting in restrictions for folk who dont have a vaccine should make us all feel a bit uneasy lads… some of the right wing vaxx stuff here is a bit heavy also, i dont necessarily agree with these tree hugging , anti vax leftist loons either but, in any discussion we probably need the extremes to balance out, as usual tho, both extremes politically are essentially the same thing in that they ultimately want their voice only heard .
i tell you one thing, its easy see how people become radicalized


Close the pubs

That’s a lot of assumptions you’re making there. Maybe you don’t think protests shouldn’t be allowed.

That’s everybody on this forum, bro.

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oh they absolutly should be allowed 100%
i just find this authoritarian , far right mandatory vax talk with rules if you dont a bit unerving tbh

Another case of the vaccinated behaving recklessly and seeing their vaccination status as a free pass to behacve as they like. It’s the vaccinated who are currently driving this.

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“personal responsibility” as they say on here
If you are medically vulnerable cop the fuck on and follow public health advise instead of wanting to guilt trip the rest of us into feeling like we have a responsibility to limit our actions and impact our livelihoods to keep you healthy… christ almighty- own your own shit

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I don’t think people should be forced to vaccinate but they should be thrown out of hospital and left to die.

I had it six weeks ago mate.

You wouldn’t like to have seen Brown Thomas on Grafton Street yesterday afternoon. I was very scared.

Yet it’s the pseudo left wingers like The Doxxer and co who want this brought in along with coercive and discriminatory policies about people with opposing views.

that’s your opinion, I dont agree with it but I agree wholeheartedly that you should be allowed to air your view and we should thank @Bandage for facilitating that… Its way too far right wing for me tho in its approach…

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So should smokers, fatties and drug users by that logic.


You changed the wording there because you’re one of those entitled pricks who think a shitty vaccines entitles you to transmit a virus while those who don’t have the shitty vaccine should be scapegoated for your behaviour.

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Every trip to ICU costs €50,000 and you’re paying for it.

In spite of that, I would only throw them out whenever ICU gets crowded. Why should they be allowed a bed in front of a vaccinated person? They’re already at the back of the queue for transplants and the like, it’s just the logical next step.

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