You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The problem is the unvaccinated taking up hospital and ICU space. No unvaccinated, no problem. We need to put the unvaccinated aside and move on.

And anyone who participates in dangerous activities that will get them injured like white water rafting and GAA sports. :slight_smile:

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bit confusing thoā€™

No obese no problem. No smokers no problem. No drug users no problem.

You have some crazy views and your contradictions always make it that you have to exit the debate left of centre when your craziness is exposed.

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I donā€™t know is it?

mandatory vaccine, very right wing
choice on vaccine,rights etcā€¦left wing

some of mad nazi stuff on the mandatory vaccine here are almost Netanyahu like in his brief foray as Israeli health minister,ā€¦mind you he also was economy justice and the PM at one stage but thatā€™s a dictatorship for youā€¦

talk of restricting the movements of people who donā€™t get a vaccine?? thatā€™s far right

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Whereā€™s your evidence to suggest these people are the problem currently? Please stick to the current situation we find ourselves in and stop trying to make excuses for the irrational apes.

Jaysus @mickee321 is putting a loot of effort in here guys, will you not give him a bite

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my points are relatively reasonable but as usual what we will see is and I suspect name-calling, defection,probably a few disparaging insults but a complete inability to deal with what is being debated or discuseedā€¦ instead the focus will be on the author

we had the same last week when we were chatting about Israel and immediately when a point is raised that may not be within the status quo ( no matter how ill informed) the focus shifts to the poster with insults, etcā€¦and itā€™s to the forumā€™s detriment

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Are you dumb? Obesity costs the healthy service billions every year. Obesity is a huge underlying condition in people who are at risk of Covid and other respiratory illnesses.

I know you donā€™t like having to argue cases with substantive information so you can continue to ignore the role obesity has played, currently plays and will continue to play in clogging up the health service until such time as sufficient action is taken.

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Irrelevant. The issue at hand is current capacity in the health service, and the fact that it is being disproportionately consumed by the unvaccinated. How do you propose we resolve this issue?

Is there many companies paying allowances for people working from home ? At the start of pandemic I remember hearing lads getting ā‚¬20 a week from the company ā€¦

mmmm, ive heard 50 USD/month for internet

Capacity has been an at play for decades and obese people are consistent and present drain on healthcare services. You seem to be ignoring that fact as youā€™re too thick to frame a logical argument on your ignorance.

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Just heard something lovely.

Fergal Dā€™Arcy on Today FM is asking about peopleā€™s personal Christmas traditions. A nice man from the North called up to say that he always hangs a mask on the tree because it just helps the kids feel safe.


Why canā€™t you attend to the issue at hand. Current capacity.

Iā€™d say none of them expected to be paying it this long

who is making the children feel frightened initially?- what are they frightened of?.. making triple vaccinated adults sick?

i think the 50USD is pretty standard tbh across US tech
i know of a company who supply equipment to the semi conductor industry who are giving their employees a 100 USD " thank you" for being vaccinated

are most lads here getting that tax benefit back for WFH ( those of us that (a) work and (b) pay tax?)

Was it just for internet or was there anything for having to use your own equipment ?