You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


no, that would all be supplied- no company in its right mind would allow you to use your own chair, screen , etc for fear of an ergo injury and they being suedā€¦ by Q2 end last year everyone i know in tech had a proper setup- desk aside but i know of fellas who pushd that too and got adjustable desks set up in the houseā€¦
most companies are even doing remote ergo assessments just to tick that boxā€¦ its all about covering their ass

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and there you have it ladsā€¦ under the bed to fuckā€¦

Next pandemic could be more lethal, warns AZ vaccine creator

Updated / Monday, 6 Dec 2021 07:30

Sarah Gilbert said the scientific advances made in research against fighting deadly viruses ā€˜must not be lostā€™ (file pic)

Another pandemic will threaten human lives and could be ā€œmore contagiousā€ and ā€œmore lethalā€, one of the Oxford/AstraZeneca Covid vaccine inventors has warned.

Professor Sarah Gilbert, delivering the 44th prestigious Richard Dimbleby Lecture, said the scientific advances made in research against fighting deadly viruses ā€œmust not be lostā€.

Ms Gilbert said: ā€œThis will not be the last time a virus threatens our lives and our livelihoods. The truth is, the next one could be worse. It could be more contagious, or more lethal, or both.ā€

She went on to say: "We cannot allow a situation where we have gone through all we have gone through, and then find that the enormous economic losses we have sustained mean that there is still no funding for pandemic preparedness.

ā€œThe advances we have made, and the knowledge we have gained, must not be lost.ā€

The Oxford professor is credited with saving millions of lives through her role in designing the coronavirus vaccine.

She has been making and testing vaccines for more than 10 years, mainly using antigens from malaria and influenza, and initiated the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine project in early 2020 when Covid first emerged in China.

The vaccine developed by her team is used in more than 170 countries around the world.

The vaccinologist received a British damehood earlier this year for services to science and public health in Covid vaccine development.

Speaking about the Omicron variant, Ms Gilbert added: "The spike protein of this variant contains mutations already known to increase transmissibility of the virus.

"But there are additional changes that may mean antibodies induced by the vaccines, or by infection with other variants, may be less effective at preventing infection with Omicron.

"Until we know more, we should be cautious, and take steps to slow down the spread of this new variant.

ā€œBut as we have seen before, reduced protection against infection and mild disease does not necessarily mean reduced protection against severe disease and death.ā€

The lecture, named in honour of the late broadcaster, Richard Dimbleby, features influential speakers from academia, arts and business and the British royal family.

The medical heads are being sent back to the lab rooms where they will have no reason to commincate with the public. They dont like that and they wont go easily.


A problem of their own making. Spineless fuckers afraid to make the hard calls and created NPHET to take the heat. Backfired on them. Leo sniping away having given them the platform in the first place.

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This lad is actually gutted that @glenshane followed the science, rolled the dice, fared as well as his vaccinated acquaintances and can now bask in the warm glow of natural immunity. Itā€™s disappointing to see such bitterness on the forum


good to hear from you man
ah look dont mind him, if he dosent agree with a point or a concept heā€™ll turn it personal and get very aggressiveā€¦ im not sure really tbh- it paints a very bad picture anyway and all the vulgarity is not a good look
all we can do is wish him well


Great to hear youā€™re on the mend , mate.

Natural immunity in the bag as well. Happy days.

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I have no desire whatsoever for argy bargy on this matter ā€“ and I share your view about the unvaccinated clogging up ICUs ā€“ but I think this comment is unworthy of you, whatever the acute differences of perspective. You should wish the man well for his recovery. Bad karma, if nothing elseā€¦

There but for the grace of the gods goes nearly anyone.

Absolutely. The kind words and bonhomie from regular sparring partners shows tfk in a wonderful light.

where did you get it?

The covid or the ivermectin?
Couple of possible sources for the covidā€¦one customer arrived and insisted on wearing a mask because a heap of her colleagues tested positive., but most likely the kids picked it up in school

The ivermectinā€¦global sources

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Heard a good yarn on Today FM last week that just sprang to mind. Was a rare occasion that I heard Dermot and Dave whilst in the car and a teacher from Limerick was claiming to have had a premonition about lotto numbers. He was talking to himself and called some singer a Mr. Price version of Leona Lewis, low and behold a Mr. Price pulls up in front of him and he suddenly believes that the reg will be winning lotto numbers.

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No bother to you. Nice one.


Twasnt pleasant but here we are.


4/6 reactors under the roof now


Iā€™m not sure what I said that has offended your sensibilities. I didnā€™t wish him any ill.

If same is not intrusive, could I ask how you are feeling now? Nearly back to 100%?

Ignore, by all means.

Only ask because I know quite a lot of people who have got it over the last two months and their aftermath has widely varied.

Hopefully all mild symptomsā€¦nice few cosy days off listening to the storm.

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Chernobyl Read GIF by Sky EspaƱa