You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


Long Covid = Pure Cod


You could be set for life if you caught long covid.

8 million people in Ireland have long Covid.



Seems like a reliable source :grinning:

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Leo Leo Leo

Santy is bringing Vaccinations for the kids. :santa::santa::santa::pensive:

She should join the Irish Freedom Party.

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Gavan Reilly is hopping mad that NPHET were muzzled.


Making a conservative assumption of Omicron being 0.1% of Irish cases on November 28th and giving a conservative assumption of a 4 day average doubling time, it’s easy to see how Omicron will sweep over Ireland.

November 28: 0.1%
December 2: 0.2
December 6: 0.4
December 10: 0.8
December 14: 1.6
December 18: 3.2
December 22: 6.4
December 26: 12.8
December 30: 25.6
January 3: 51.2
January 7: ~100

Not British enough.

All the scientists are saying Omnicron is harmless.
Covid will have to redouble its efforts

Could a reduction in hospital numbers mean people are dying?

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If we let it rip the country will be full of antibodies after the mild covid variant

‘If we winter this one out, we can summer anywhere’

That’s a lot of mild symptoms. Have we enough lemsip and vitamin C?


Pharma will be desperate to close the birders. A pandemic ending variant is their biggest fear


They might be saying Omnicron is harmless but they aren’t saying it about Omicron.

And even if you have did have a less virulent variant it can cause much worse problems if it’s more transmissible.

I was wondering about that as well. Unfortunately it seems due to the HSE cyber attack over 6 months ago. That data still isnt available, mate.

All we get is a broad number every Wednesday with absolutely no specific data in relation to vaccine status, age or underlying illnessess etc

It is absolute shambolic stuff. But on we go.