You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™d happily drink away indoors with them.

Wouldnā€™t bother me either

But whatā€™s the problem with the piece, Iā€™m sure that a significant percentage of the population would have an issue, as is their right.
Would your own parents welcome an unvaccinated drinker at their table in a pub or restaurant, can you see peoples issue with that?

I never stated I had a problem with the piece. I mean, the headline is stupid alright.

For what itā€™s worth neither of my parents have ever suggested they had an issue with the unvaccinated. We have an unvaccinated neighbour at home that regularly calls around.

But @glasagusban is blaming the unvaccinated :man_shrugging:

Daily information is released on a daily basis up north on hospital admissions, positive cases and deaths so itā€™s easy trip up any false narratives pushed.

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Does that graph give a breakdown of vaccinated to unvaccinated?

You keep ignoring the fact the health service is always under the pressure this time of year but only want to deprive certain elements on society of healthcare based on their choices but are happy to treat others who overwhelm the health service on an ongoing basis.

You are a nasty little fascist

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Thereā€™s you


Ah sheā€™s back.Wondered where sheā€™d got to. Took a while to clean all that blood from her hands I guess.

If a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person sit down at my table in the pub who is more dangerous to me and why?

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I donā€™t think itā€™s about you or me really, Iā€™d it?

But in relation to your specific question, Iā€™m not sure, but I donā€™t think it matters

I donā€™t think it matters either but some people think people who arenā€™t vaccinated are a danger to society and should be under house arrest and subject to on the spot fines etc


I think the rationale is that theyā€™re a danger to themselves. Isnā€™t it?

They should. They need to cocoon now because they are blocking up our health system which places everyone at risk.

Projecting again I see

You still havenā€™t mustered the cognitive ability or emotional development to form a substantive argument. Just your usual slurs and deflection.


So are obese people, smokers, alcoholics and drug users.

I donā€™t see you lobbying against them.

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Heā€™s surely wumming?

Maybe he is but heā€™s clearly shown heā€™s an entitled narcissist on here before so who knows. Hysterical tantrums when he doesnā€™t get his own way seem to be the case.

Itā€™s ironic that he sees himself as such a crusader where his levels of entitlement and privilege are off the chart.

They are not the people disproportionately blocking up hospitals and icu in the current crisis.

Whatā€™s wumming about it? The figures are stark. Something like 6% of the population taking up more than half our health capacity. You really canā€™t deny the figures unless youā€™re an irrational ape.