You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

That’s a completely unqualifble statement. Obese people have been a huge issue as they are one of the demographs who are are at risk of severe illness from Covid.

It’s clear as day you don’t have the slightest idea what you’re on about but have no problem spreading your bigotry and discriminatory views.

It depends on how you’ve been programmed and conditioned, and to what extent you’re prone to irrational anxiety and hysteria.

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Another outrageous lie.


The main issue is the foreigners, mainly the Eastern Europeans. They’ve been skirting around saying it up to now but I notice they’ve been far more revealing on it over the past couple of weeks.

The exact statistics from the last few months have been posted up in recent days.

TreatyStones Le Pen chimes in.


I’ve eaten manys a “dinner” in auld bachelor farmers houses after hay/silage season,it would take some lad with Ebola to bother me at this stage.


Nope. There have been no exact statistics. Just multiple outrageous lies from you, never corroborated.

If so, at least they may have some excuse, they didn’t receive the messaging or whatever. It’s the irrational apes we should have a problem with.

Thats a lovely turn of phrase

Oh look, the class Fluvio tactic of saying that simple facts are lies and shouting it over and over again until you nearly believe it yourself. You just have to add in some unrelated whataboutery now.

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The vaccination rates amongst the various populations are mirroring the vaccination rates in their home country, so it’s not so much that they aren’t getting the message, they are just reacting in a similar manner to the rest of the people of their nationality.

But yes perhaps the government do need targeted online campaigns on whatever digital platforms they get their news from.

A guy in the Irish times had a column about them recently, he wrote a book on them, it was an insightful look into the “minds” of the anti-vaxxers.

Are there many foreigners in the ICU

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The exact statistical amount is “a fair share”

Blaming foreigners is a cop out. We need to stop tolerating morons.

Well there is that angle as well.


Bit rough on @TreatyStones ,so fines/arrests for locals and a pat on the back for foreigners

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That’s definitely not the rationale in most people’s heads the average older person on the street definitely thinks they are a bigger danger to others. You even said it yourself earlier when asking batigol if his parents would like to sit beside a vaccinated person. It actually makes negligible difference to them.
It goes back to a huge element of the Irish response to this which is both a positive and a negative. It’s hugely based on emotion and there is no real debate on the rights and wrongs of certain restrictions etc. It’s why they can introduce the most recent arbitrary rules on hospitality with no science or evidence behind them and still have massive public support. Even the masks on small kids thing. There is surely evidence based on masked and unmasked secondary school populations they could use but they don’t even need to everyone just rows in regardless.
No transparency either around cases, hospitalisations, deaths in terms of age where they caught it etc.
This has worked great so far to keep the vast bulk of us pulling together but the opposition is growing.


Another example to back up my point above about lack of transparency

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