You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I think vulnerable people are quite aware that the unvaccinated are the biggest danger currently, clogging up the hospital beds in quite unreasonable numbers, for those reasons I’m sure they’d rather not share a table in a pub with them in many cases

No I think most of them think they have more chance of catching it off them as it hasn’t been clearly explained that this isn’t really the case. All in all I’m on the same side of the debate as you I think. I just think the lack of transparency and contradictory advice that has worked well up to now in keeping people on board is slowly going to come apart at the seams as time goes on. Thats mostly because of the completely confusing nature of the virus where absolutely nothing is straightforward.
Who are all the unvaccinated in hospitals I’d love to know? They couldn’t be old as they are almost 100pc jabbed. Are they people who can’t take it maybe? People who are already long term sick? It would be great to have some clear details but i can only imagine that might undermine the message.
Unlike other lads I wouldn’t mind being proved wrong on this I’d prefer the news to be positive for the pro vaccine side.


It’s not a fact. It is wrong. You said over half of hospital capacity is taken up with 6% of the adult population. That is an utterly outrageous lie on so many metrics. There is utterly nothing to underpin that which is why you once again baulked when it came to substantiating your lies.

FYI hospital capacity isn’t even full at present.

You’re utterly poisonous.

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It’s falling is it not?

You’re correct in fairness. It’s more than half of covid patients in ICU are unvaccinated.

That is a fact.

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Irrational apes.

All of them?

You can’t say all really. People who don’t speak English or are illiterate may not have been reached by public messaging and so on.

The vulnerable don’t want to sit beside an unvaccinated person in a pub because the unvaccinated person might end up in hospital?


So you made an outrageous lie here.

Have you a figure on the BMI status of Covid patients, of the breakdown in ages, of the breakdown in vaccination status?

You are making outrageous lie after outrageous line to support your discriminatory views.

I think some people can confirm but most ICU beds are generally not level idle even if the patient does not require that level of treatment such is the resources assigned to the ICU ward.

It seems you have left commons sense and intelligence at the door to follow your extremist, discriminatory prejudices.

Exactly but surely we should know how many fall under this category. Would be good to know how many can’t take a vaccine for various reasons. Also the old chestnut of how many are actually not in hospital because of covid but just tested positive when they got in. The lack of a proper political opposition (because of emotion and which has served us well so far in terms of public solidarity, percentage vaccinated etc) may not be a good thing ‘going forward’

Are you genuinely not understanding this or are you just being a clever clogs again?

So when people were queuing up in hospital trolleys ever Winter pre Covid, why did you not call for hospital care to be denied to people such as obese people or smokers who were clogging up the health service at that time and whose health issues were undermined by their own lifestyle choices?

More than half of ICU covid patients are unvaccinated. That is ridiculously disproportionate. Why should the rest of society bear the burden of these morons?

We’re talking about people in ICU with covid. I doubt many of them are asymptomatic.

But the health service is not in a worse situation that any other year at present so why are you happy to discriminate against unvaccinated people but not against obese people.

Has anyone ever died as a result of not being obese, as in if they were obese would it have saved their lives? Because people HAVE died from the vaccine.

Has a person in ICU for another ailment ever picked up Covid in ICU?

This is a new level of gibberish, even for you.

I do understand it. People have been propagandised, scaremongered and encouraged to hold irrational, divisive and prejudiced views.
You’re aware of this so you introduce the ‘vulnerable’ as if this excuses ignorance and prejudice.
What did all these vulnerable people do in your typical flu year, were they stressing over whether or not everyone around them had the flu jab?


@glasagusban refuses to address this point as it shows him to be a hypocrite of extreme proportions.