You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

He thinks the Irish unvaccinated are morons and the unvaccinated foreigners canā€™t use text messages or email.


So would I but there might be a few. They could have another serious condition and be asymptomatic with covid. Leo was all about getting these stats a while back but that was last we heard of it.

@glasagusban needs to stop running away from his bullshit and address key points.

Itā€™s funny how he uses far right tactics of lies, misinformation, censorship, targeting or minority groups with with inciteful language and hate speech to achieve far right ideology of discrimination, exclusion from society and suppression of rights for minority groupings.

Here is one he needs to address with regard to obesity and Covid

Typical smart ass whataboutery

So you do understand my point after all, but couldnā€™t help yourself.

Any person taking up an ICU (or any hospital bed) means one less for the rest of us, right?

So should we ban obese people and smokers from hospital beds given the consistent strain they apply to the health service?

Sthop will ye,if Johnny foreigner doesnā€™t want his jab then heā€™s well entitled to that view unlike the Oirish irrational apes


The problem now is the unvaccinated. If they are all vaccinated, or otherwise removed from the health service, the strain on capacity disappears, immediately.

Everything else is whataboutery. We cannot click our fingers and make obesity or any other issue disappear overnight, but we can fix vaccination.

Why should we let the moronic choices of irrational apes impact so much on the rest of society?

The unvaccinateds are very selfish people.

The bigotry of low expectations isnā€™t it. He thinks the foreigners are incapable of completing pretty simple tasks such as making a doctors appointment or turning up for an appointment.


So it has nothing in particular to do with whether or not a vulnerable person sits beside an unvaccinated person in a pub? Itā€™s purely down to prejudiceā€¦the vulnerable person could just as easily object to the unvaccinated person getting on a bus in another part of the country.
As you say yourself itā€™s about guilt, shaming and prejudice. An unvaccinated person is in hospital so everyone has the right to judge all other unvaccinated people regardless of their reasons etc.
Bigotry, prejudice, ignorance etcā€¦an old story, no great insight required.


Who are these foreigners heā€™s talking about anyways,Poles Lithuanian English ?

Good idea. Iā€™d be all in favour in keeping unvaccinateds off public transport.

Itā€™s an enclosed space and one of the likeliest places for unvaccinateds to spread their plague.

Do vaccinated people not spread the virus too?

They can but they are much less likely to, and at least they have done their bit towards making themselves less likely to.

It isnā€™t too much to ask people to get vaccinated.

Same as it isnā€™t too much to ask people to wear a seat belt in a car.

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I donā€™t know. Its a very condescending attitude whoever heā€™s talking about. Does he think these people are too thick to realise there is a massive vaccination program taking place for the last year! And it just passed them by because of a lack of ā€œmessagingā€. :laughing:

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An awful lot of unvaccinated people are in hospitals taking up space so people understandably judge those that choose not to be vaccinated.

Iā€™m sure most people that are unvaccinated that end up in hospital also think they have a legitimate reason for not getting vaccinated

Wow, youā€™ve used your incredible intellect to infer that, because Iā€™d be shocked if i actually said that.

It is in nobodys interest to clog up the hospital or ICU wards, if somebody is unable to take a vaccine for a medical reason then absolutely nobody would condemn them for it, but youā€™ve decided that that would happen obviously because it suits you.

No chance of you dealing with what i said as you jump in again in reply to my posts, just making it all up. Good man.

Whoā€™d have thought the most woke amongst us would turn out to be xenophobic and want non nationals denied hospital treatment.


More than 90 per cent of Irish-born adults have received two doses of a vaccine and are, therefore, considered to be fully vaccinated. So far, nearly 900,000 people have also accepted a booster jab.

However, the uptake among eastern Europeans living here is much lower, with data compiled by the ESRI indicating that the vaccine take up among people from eastern Europe resident in Ireland is between 56 and 66 per cent, indicating that between almost a half and one third remain unvaccinated.

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ā€œGreed is goodā€?

So what exactly has your vulnerable person in a pub got to do with it. Is his concern about catching covid or is he worried about passing it on to an unvaccinated person who then takes up a hospital bed?

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