You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No itā€™s not.

Iā€™ve asked you repeatedely why when we had far worse hospital capacity crises you never suggest depriving minority groups whose health situation was compromised by their own lifestyle choices and were clogging up the health service. There is no record of you anywhere on here calling for that.

Iā€™m just pointing on the hypocrisy. Itā€™s telling that we are here, Iā€™ve raised the point numerous time and you stonewall refuse to even attempt address it. That shows everyone how insincere it is and how your position here is to fuel unfounded prejudices against a minority grouping to deprive them of healthcare because they have different views to you.

You are a bigot, an extremist and a very nasty and insincere person, that is not up for debate, it has been proven countless times on your position here.

So you agree that itā€™s more about prejudice than vulnerable person in a pub bs?


I never mentioned anything about a pub

Looks like their plan to create a new variant and whip up a frenzy has largely failed except on craggy island where we face another shite Christmas.

Whatā€™ll they try next ?


Iā€™m prejudiced against unvaccinateds for the same reason Iā€™m prejudiced against drink drivers.

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ā€¦Read up

Iā€™m prejudiced against unvaccinateds for the same reason Iā€™m prejudiced against drink drivers.


youā€™ve got me again. Youā€™re so clever.

Youā€™re pretending not to know what Iā€™m saying and engaging in whataboutery, as usual.

The person in question, possibly elderly, maybe with a minor underlying condition that means theyā€™d feel safe enough going to a pub, doesnā€™t want the health service to be overrun, doesnā€™t want ICU beds full.

SO, theyā€™d be happier if an unvaccinated person wasnā€™t in the pub at all, putting themselves in danger.

Now if you wish to reply, why donā€™t you deal with what I have said, rather than what you want me to have said.

Iā€™m prejudiced against drink drivers for the same reason Iā€™m prejudiced against unvaccinateds.

What about if the drink drivers are foreigners? Do they get an exemption?

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Look. Youā€™ll just get the same sort of entreched bigotry from him as you do glas.

These are not reasonable people you are dealing with, they are zealots, extremists who only want to deal in prejudice and arenā€™t in the slight bit concerned about the truth or facts.

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A recent study shows thereā€™s string links between drink drivers and denial of the Holocaust.

How about if we made it legal for unvaccinateds to enter pubs but legal to punch them in the face?

Fair compromise?

Thereā€™s lads here who feel like the messaging hasnā€™t got to foreigners about taking the vaccine. So they get a pass. Iā€™m just wondering should we apply the same logic to drink driving? For the record Iā€™m against drink driving for all people on in Ireland.

A lot of weirdos on twitter complaining that they Government have stopped people using gyms?
Mainly citing mental health issues that are likely to result from this ban?

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Unvaccinateds have a very high rate of Jew hatred.

Right, youā€™re getting somewhere now in attempt to make prejudice coherent and sensible. So taken to your vulnerable personā€™s logical conclusion, unvaccinated people shouldnā€™t be allowed in pubs for their own safety? Or is it because they might take up a hospital bed, if they themselves are in a vulnerable category?

Youā€™re almost there

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Right wing mentallers screaming ā€˜racismā€™ now.

Thatā€™s a fairly stupid claim whoever is making itā€¦ Eastern Europeans have a huge mistrust of state driven initiatives which makes sense given their recent history.

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