You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Unfollow me on Twitter so


Christ almighty, for somebody who thinks they’re so fucking smart you don’t half like to act like a gobdaw.

I’ve been as clear as can be, and yet you’re still asking me stupid whatabout questions.

If unvaccinated people are in a pub, let’s imagine it’s a middling busy pub, they are putting themselves at risk of contracting the virus, then because they’re idiots, they have a massively increased chance of taking a hospital bed, which means one less for the rest of us.

Christ this is fairly basic stuff

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Ah shure look it, they’re not well.

Isn’t the vulnerable person also putting himself at risk?

And before answering your question about the unvaccinated person could you provide a little more information…what age is he, is he healthy, has he superior natural immunity?
Or are you just relying on a catch all/irrational/blanket judgement…prejudice in other words?


So they get a pass

Foreigners like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy ?


A lot of people use exercising to help with their mental health tbf

Ya, someone should try to explain the benefits of vaccination to him.

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Jesus Christ, you are absolutely bonkers.

I’m not even sure what you’re trying to do, I’m guessing you’re trying to make me type something which may be debatable do you can show how fucking smart you are again.

Please deal with the things I said. I’m not about to be drawn into a battle of wits with you, because I genuinely don’t give a fuck

They should get vaccinated so and they can use the gyms no problem.


They’re saying over 90% of adults are vaccinated in the 26. If, as the mentallers suggest, vaccinations make no difference then you would expect, all other things being equal, that ICU Covid occupancy to be unvaccinated 10% and vaccinated 90%.

Have we any percentages of ICU occupancy based on vaccination status?

They’re mentallers sure

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Now please calm down.
You’ve been on quite the journey, from empathising with a poor vulnerable lad being exposed to an unvaccinated person, all the way to locking all unvaccinated people up for their own good.
Take a while off and revise your prejudices and silly notions

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That’s great, they can go out for a run in the fresh air so.

Oh and irrational apes

Actually, things aren’t equal, a higher proportion of older, riskier (and therefore more likely to end up in ICU) people are vaccinated so the ICU Covid occupancy for unvaxed should be less than 10% for your example.

If only such figures were available to confirm …


And there it is :joy:

The imaginary victory from constantly muddying the post

I’ve been consistent all the way you nutter :grinning:

Cheasty Le Pen and Glas Orban just can’t get over the fact that some people may not want to get the vaccine, they may have valid reasons, they may not but it goes against people’s human rights to discriminate on those grounds.

The irony seems to be lost on those two that when you use the tactics of the far right (censorship, discrimination, coercion, mininformation and inciteful hate speech against minority groupings) in order to meet the objectives of the far right (extinction of the minorities, creation of second class citizens, suppression of their human rights) that actually makes you far right.

These people clearly have sever sociopathic issues if they truly believe the hate and bile they spew on here are something to be proud of.

Nasty individuals. I will be happy that I am one of the posters here who has consistently spoken up for the downtrodden at every turn. TFK history will remember me as a noble and heroic poster and it the vaccine fascists will be remembered for the nasty, intolerant tyrants they are.

Our beds now made, our legacies now secure.

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You have, apart from the bit about it being about the vulnerable lad not catching covid from the unvaccinated lad even though he can just as easily catch it from someone who is vaccinated, and then pivoting to it being about the vulnerable lad taking exception to unvaccinated lads in general taking up hospital beds…and on and on.
The remarkable thing about you is that you think you’re right even when you know you’re full of shit. Incredible self belief really

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Jesus :joy:
You’re actually hilarious,

None of that happened by the way :+1::grinning:

All in your imagination

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