You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Unfortunately, unless they are breaking a law, they should have same rights as everyone else. That’s just my opinion. If you start restricting the rights of the unvaccinated without a legal basis, you are on a very slippery slope and not somewhere society should go.


Great stuff.

But they’re unvaccinated…

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That’s my point, introduce a legal basis.


Jesus Christ



That’s not verifiable. Where has the information being released.

In the north, where this information is released daily.

Vaccinated hospital admissions and deaths outweigh the proportion of vaccinated people. This information has been published.

Aye, his flight of fancy has taken him from protecting a vulnerable lad in a bar to lockdowns for the unvaccinated to a)satisfy the vulnerable lad and b)protect the unvaccinated.
Tedious drivel

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It’s verified from a number of reliable sources. We are discussing Ireland, not Northern Ireland.

The left doesn’t believe in a right to bodily integrity and think a person using an incorrect pronoun should be jailed.

It’s quite fascist really.


You lads should get a room

Again, all in your imagination.
Should be incredibly easy to prove those claims, I haven’t deleted anything.

For a hard man you’re incredibly precious, nobody ever told you you were wrong before??

No it’s not.

Transparent information is not released down south and a number of things the official lines have said have been easily shown as frankly false and manipulated.

I know you hate substantive information as a bullshitter would but here is some where they actually release transparent information.

% of hospital deaths
Fully vaccinated - 73%
Unvaccinated - 19%
Vaccinated pop - 67%

% of hospital admissions
Fully vaccinated - 68%
Unvaccinated - 29%
Vaccinated pop - 67%

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Shouldn’t the loons on this thread be off protesting about the schools being closed because of this storm?

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When lads talk about unvaccinated people they do know it’s disproportionately pregnant women and non nationals.

1 in 5 critically ill patients with Covid in UK were unvaccinated pregnant women.

Similar in Ireland.

I return to what @tallback said here:

A much higher proportion of the older are vaccinated so all things being equal, the actual risk of dying from Covid while unvaccinated is a lot more than nine times the risk of dying from Covid while vaccinated.

I love how easily it can be interchanged when to use U18s in population statistics for vaccination status. The same U18s that are in the under 40 cohort that it doesnt affect.

In that table there, the rate per 100,000 gives some stark figures for the over 50s.

92.4 people per 100,000 fully vaccinated are in hospital.
579 people per 100,000 non fully vaccinated are in hospital.

Even allowing for the under 50s,
8.1 per 100k vaccinated people in hospital
96.7 per 100k not fully vaccinated in hospital

thats a huge disparity in both under and over 50s showing that vaccines are helping matters.


Between the 24th of November and the 1st of December, the place of death figures increased as below:


*Residential institution includes: community hospital/long stay unit, homeless facility, mental health facility and nursing homes.

For the same dates, the number of deaths which were an ICU admission rose by 16.

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Including hospice deaths as Covid deaths is utterly disgraceful.

Covid Claire will be seething if this storm is bad as it’s knocking covid out of the news.