You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

There are a lot of fellas here who could do with reading this message.

And then reading it again. And again. And again. And a few more times after that.

That’s rubbish. They weren’t testing for it at any sort of high level so they likely missed plenty of deaths in between.

At the moment they are testing so there’s no comparison.

This is the guy you’re getting your opinions from.

Little wonder I pay no heed to what you say.

The unvaccinated are clogging up ICU. They have tinfoil on their heads, horse de-wormer in their stomachs and anger in their hearts. They should be thrown out onto the street because there’s no such thing as a free lunch.


Up to 18 months ago, they were all unvaccinated. Whats your point?

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Was a vaccine available 18 months ago?


And they shite out of their mouths, not their arses.

For you

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I still haven’t figured out whether the anti-vaxxers on here are utterly numerically illiterate or just deliberately obtuse about the relative risk levels and health resource implications of vaccination vs not getting vaccinated.

With the characters involved its really hard to get to the bottom of it.


They’re just playing silly beggars. They know vaccines work.

Have we solved it yet?

They’ve been shown up to be utter morons which they find difficult to deal with.

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Agreed, that’s why we need to change the law.

6% holding 94% hostage and costing the state millions by clogging up hospitals and vital ICU beds.

They are traitors, not only to the state, but to humanity.


Never have so few asked so much of so many.

Thinking about this what are the odds that Fulvio retires from the forum soon, only to be replaced by a vaccinated member of the Italian-tyrone community.

And when it’s all over we’ll forgive them and love them because that’s what decent people do.

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Ah lads

Close the nightclubs!



That’s an excellent place to start. Lads probably just need to accept that there are numerous risk factors and implications associated with covid infection and vaccination. Then they need to grow up and accept that not everyone has to adopt a simplistic mode of thinking where everything can be distilled down to right vs wrong.

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