You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Someone call the guards.

Just on this, bars etc were all required to take contact details for points of contact entering premises. Then just before nightclubs opened the government did a U-turn and said they had to operate on a ticket only basis, for contact tracing purposes. Then the HSE -typically- says they’re not bothering their holes to collect that information anyway.

In fairness, you really couldn’t make it up.

I’d further note we were promised “a world class contact tracing system” :smiley:


Glad to hear that account.

I know a couple of people – one mid fifties, one late sixties – who are utterly baffled as to how they caught virus. Both of them are doing good after being pretty sick. Another friend – mid seventies – is still wrung out after getting it about six weeks ago. He knows where he got it, at a wedding reception.

Was at The Charlatans in the Olympia a fortnight ago. A bit iffy about going for the standard reasons but a good friend, massive fan, was mad keen. So…

Could not have complained if I had got the virus there but a fortnight without symptoms would seem to mean the night was fine. We were upstairs and sitting in a fairly uncrowded section. Tall ceiling as well. Had a drink beforehand in the front bit of The Long Hall, which was pretty full.

You would be a bit iffy but life goes on. That said, I kept to myself mostly, afterwards, for five days.

To be fair you’ve been entirely consistent throughout this in taking one small part of a comment or document or stat out of context and extrapolating it to confirm your own biases.

As you’ve done again here.


Wow, you’ve nailed it there,

Said it in a way that I never could have.
It’s tiring having him n your case though, when he has the knives out for you you’re fucked

How was the gig?

Just give him a good dunt and focus on the next ball.

How’s Omicron looking?
Anyone at all sick from it yet?

They were excellent, really tight and provided what it said on the tin for a mainly adoring audience, with Tim Burgess right on his usual form. Terrific gig, by consensus.

Audience profile was very much late forties to late fifties. My friend is a huge fan, as mentioned. I liked them well enough, back in the day, but was never enthralled. But glad I went, so long as no symptoms appeared…

Was only my second gig since late 2019. So enjoyable, too, in and of itself.

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The usual insuls, ignorance and bad manners…and you’ve the cheek to imply that you’ve taken the broad view. I’ve suggested there are dozens of reasons and you jump back with the accusation that I’ve taken a narrow view.
It’s actually pathetic, no wonder tracksuit has arrived to tickle your belly.

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There really aren’t dozens of reasons. You’d like there to be. But there aren’t.

I’m far from a lockdown/Zero covid zealot but this is fairly black and white.

OK. How many did you count when arriving at the convenient conclusion that it’s black and white?

In fairness thats absolutely unexplainable. I’d forgotten about the big furore over tickets for nightclubs!
Nobody will dare question it in public either or they’ll be accused of wanting old people to die. Emotion has fucked up any proper debate about measures here.

Blown away by Barra.

I haven’t seen a single credible datapoint/report/source that suggests that vaccines do not significantly reduce the risk of hospitalisation/ICU/death from Covid 19.

So I suppose my answer would be zero or the opposite of zero if you count all the data that supports my statement above.

Please note, I haven’t mentioned mandatory vaccination, vaccination certs (or bizarrely fat people which @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy keeps throwing around I suppose as part of his reflexive nordie whataboutery). I’m speaking only about the relative risk reduction achieved by vaccination.


For what section of the population?

So you wish to exclude the largest unvaccinated cohort because Covid doesn’t really effect them?

Do you realise how self-defeating that argument is for a pro-vaccine fanatic?

Firstly, nothing is ever “scientifically proven”, in reality the phrase is an oxymoron. Science is always subject to revision. What people really mean when they use the term “scientifically proven” is that they have convinced themselves something is true, and the history of science is one of such statements being shown to be false. The history of Covid is a history of experts being wrong.

On Covid infection, transmission and disease progression, what we can say with confidence is that for people who were going to develop serious disease (most don’t) the vaccines provide protection a few weeks after being fully vaccinated, and that the protection lasts about 4-6 months then declines. That data comes from early 2021 to mid summer 2021 before Delta became the dominant strain. Studies from late summer onwards show that the combination of vaccine immunity wearing off and Delta being somewhat evasive to antibodies resulted in infection and transmission becoming common among the vaccinated (we have some examples of it on TFK I believe).

At this point I would say someone vaccinated back in early 2021 is as likely to contract and spread the virus as someone who is unvaccinated and also likely to get quite ill (depending on their level of vulnerability), so if you want continued protection from serious disease get a booster. People who have had Covid are at least as well protected as those who are vaccinated. With Omicron there appears no difference at all in infection and transmission rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated, most of the outbreaks that are occurring are among the vaccinated. This evolution of the virus we have seen to become vaccine evasive should be no surprise, it’s what flu viruses do all the time, requiring a different vaccine each year.

Given what we know, the hysteria regarding the unvaccinated is unwarranted, unscientific and morally reprehensible. In reality if you go into a pub today you are as likely to catch Covid from a vaccinated person as an unvaccinated person, so if you are worried about Covid stay out of pubs and other indoor locations where people congregate. The elderly in particular shouldn’t be going near a pub. The risk for the most vulnerable in society is as high as it ever was, as there are at least 10% of people who don’t develop antibodies so the vaccine doesn’t help them.


The main and most worrying point is the very high rates of unvaxxed needing hospital and ICU admission. Considering in Ireland that these high rates amounts to only 6% of the population, I don’t think we need to worry about terms like scientifically proven there, it’s just a confirmed fact.


It’s actually incredible to read the whataboutery presented around this fact.
Now with pubs open and vaccination certs and boosters etc etc we are told that the elderly have no business going to a pub,
But no problem with the unvaccinated going in, there’s something very wrong there