You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Well in fairness pre Covid it was the elderly folk who were labeled bed blockers and they were the ones clogging up the system. It has just moved onto Unvaxxed now.

So why isnā€™t it being addressed? Apparently 96% of Irish born adults are vaccinated, but only 55% of foreign born adults are. As always the Irish dance around the problem.

Are you suggesting a kind of pogrom?

The elderly are by far the most vulnerable group, why is that hard to understand?

If the unvaccinated are the problem with society getting back to normal, whatā€™s the argument against mandatory vaccination?

Whatā€™s hard to understand is that you appear to have no issue with unvaccinated going into busy pubs but you believe the elderly with boosters have no business going into any pub at all.
Thereā€™s something very wrong with that, and it would be a very very selfish unvaxxed wanker that would rock up at a pub with that in his mind

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Where did I say I have no issue with unvaccinated going into busy pubs?

Try and answer rather than doing a tap dance.

My apologies, I may have misinterpreted, I felt that was the crux of the current discussion.

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Rather than wait 2-3 weeks after case numbers to see death rate, we now have to do 2-3 months as first case of Corona was identified in jan 2020 but deaths only followed in March 2020.
Keep it locked down till then

As far as I can see tierneevin agrees that the vaccines are hugely important in the fight against covid 19, he has got one and he believes there is more positives than benefits to getting one in almost all adults. He thinks they are our best way out of the current crisis.
For some reason though hes always arguing with the lads who agree with him and never argues with the people who disagree with him. šŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ¤·šŸ»


Iā€™ve just been arguing with someone who disagrees with me a few posts up.

Kind of like how he used to ā€œvote democratā€ but argues in favour of the most mental and racist wing of the republicans all the time?

Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s difficult to understand about the concept of lag. Nothing I would have thought.

Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s difficult to understand about a variant which was only discovered on November 24th not producing huge numbers of deaths instantly.

'Tis amazing how some lads want instant deaths on demand. And if they don;t get it, ā€œitā€™s all a codā€, or something.

Itā€™s almost like they have no interest in actually learning anything.

If you had the balls to address me directly I would respond. But you donā€™t.

@Tierneevin1979 takes the broader view and is aware of the complexities of the situation,
the range of scientific and non scientific responses, the developing picture etc. He doesnā€™t think in political slogans, soundbites and childish platitudes


The unvaxxed wanker has more or less the same chance of transmitting the virus to the elderly fellow as a vaxxed person. Your argument doesnā€™t stack up, itā€™s emotional based on an unhinged anger that the unvaxxed didnā€™t do the same as you.

The main arguments of the vaccine fascists has now pivoted to 250 unvaxxed people in hospitals are the cause of all restrictions and if these beds were free, the country would be up and running with no restrictions. @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has pointed out the absurdity and manifold hypocrisies in holding that position. The nodding donkeys canā€™t accept they were sold a pup.


No they are not.

His new one is that the vaccines no longer work. Vaccinated people must be dying and getting seriously ill at the same rate as unvaccinated people then.

Oh waitā€¦

The unvaxxed wanker is at far greater risk of becoming very sick from Covid and taking a hospital bed.

He has made a choice and should be prepared to live with the consequences, not go about looking for pubs that may not check his status,
This has been going on all day, Iā€™ve stated my case repeatedly

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