You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You are clearly a very limited person in terms of critical thinking. Try and learn the difference between infection and disease, they are not the same thing.

So it’s nothing got to do with the unvaxxed wanker transmitting to someone elderly. The anger is because he has a greater chance of taking up a hospital bed?

Sure that can apply to the hundreds of unsensible choices people make every day. Drink, diet, smoking, drugs, physical risk etc etc. Your argument doesn’t stack up


What do you mean, I’d argue that all those things are unhealthy?

But none of them done once are as likely to put you in hospital, are they?

It’s more whataboutery, the unvaxxed are a danger to themselves in large social gatherings and indirectly a danger to the rest of us, particularly those that may need a hospital bed, the facts show this to be true.

Has anyone said that or is it a straw man you invented all by yourself?

The American right-wing culture is rabidly anti-intellectual. Hence you have morons comparing complex lifelong problems such as addiction and obesity to a refusal to get a couple of three seconds long jabs based on the equivalent of flat earthism.

The Israeli study was immediately pulled apart and to the best of my knowledge has not been published as a peer reviewed paper.

So called “natural immunity” has steadily been exposed as the crock anybody with an ounce of critical thinking always knew it was.

He’s unlikely to have invented it all by himself.


It’s been said many times on this thread. The unvaxxed taking up hospital spaces are the reason for restrictions

Oh the Ironing :joy:

Fauci claiming today Omicron “almost certainly” not more severe than Delta, why would I listen to him when we have more qualified experts on here who claim we are doomed.

Top US scientist Anthony Fauci said on Tuesday that while it would take weeks to judge the severity of the new COVID-19 variant Omicron, early indications suggested it was not worse than prior strains, and possibly milder.

Speaking to AFP, President Joe Biden’s chief medical advisor broke down the knowns and unknowns about Omicron into three major areas: transmissibility, how well it evades immunity from prior infection and vaccines, and severity of illness.

The new variant is “clearly highly transmissible,” very likely more so than Delta, the current dominant global strain, Fauci said.

Accumulating epidemiological data from around the world also indicates re-infections are higher with Omicron.

Fauci, the long-time director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, said lab experiments that tested the potency of antibodies from current vaccines against Omicron should come in the “next few days to a week.”

On the question of severity, “it almost certainly is not more severe than Delta,” said Fauci.

“There is some suggestion that it might even be less severe because when you look at some of the cohorts that are being followed in South Africa, the ratio between the number of infections and the number of hospitalizations seems to be less than with Delta.”


99% is not a good recovery rate when you’re talking about a pandemic. It’s a terrible recovery rate.

And that isn’t even the recovery rate. The recovery rate is less.

The median reinfection time for unvaccinateds being reinfected with Covid is 16 months.

That’s basically nothing. It means that if people follow the advice of you and other extremist zealots and reject vaccination, Covid will be a never ending problem.

So called “natural immunity” is a right wing anti-science, anti-vaccine, anti-intellectual crock.

The doomsday merchants will hate that.


That seems like excellent news

Everyone needs to get Omicron. It’s selfish not to, Omicron is our way out of this fiasco

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Until next winters strain

Natural immunity is what its all about.

Unless you’re happy to be vaccinated every 6 months for the rest of your life. Thats fine for the people who are vulnerable - even for those people 10% or so , if you’re immune comprimised you won’t be able to generate an immune response. Its far from perfect.

End of the day it should be a personal choice. I don’t think vaccinating the entire population down to 6 month olds is going to help the situation at all.

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The great thing is I never have to lie, because I don’t follow cranks.

I note you didn’t say all eligible humans.

So this South African variant is a cod. What a surprise.


I respect people’s right to choose and have bodily integrity but they should be thrown out of ICU onto the street to die wheezing.