You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

@TheUlteriorMotiveā€™s young lad probably nicked off home himself and then robbed TUMā€™s phone and posted the above. ā€˜Of course the school rangā€¦ sure mam collected me and you already posted about it on tfkā€¦ā€™

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Weā€™re below NPHETs optimistic model again. The pessimistic model is also just a little bit off again.

Probably time to take the modelling off them.

Some nice massaging of figures by Conor there. Itā€™s why he isnā€™t taken very seriously as a commentator by anybody paying attention.

He neglects to mention that the last three weeksā€™ worth of cases essentially donā€™t count when working out a death rate - because of lag.

So his denominator is wrong, itā€™s too high.

Nor does he mention that deaths are continually backdated and that heā€™s working off incomplete figures.

So his numerator is wrong, itā€™s too low.

Nor does he mention that 730 deaths would be consistent with the average over the course of the pandemic.

730 deaths is a really poor figure if one is trying to construct a narrative that we are over the worst of the pandemic and itā€™s a really poor figure if one has a shred of basic human empathy.

730 dead people is 730 grieving families.

Conor isnā€™t an honest broker and thatā€™s been obvious for a long time. Heā€™s addicted to the likes and retweets he garners from telling his dumbass audience what they want to hear, and he should be left to converse with Ivor Cummins and David Quinn.


Bad news for a few lads here

Itā€™ll be a shock to them to have to go back to normal life.

Iā€™d say a lot of them are gone an awful size.


DRAMA! Alert

This news was casual conversation at the test centre at 1:00am today - why the BREAKING NEWS drama from RTE?

Omicrons arrival should be celebrated if initial reports are valid

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time for these work from home bluffers to get a dose of reality

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Cc @artfoley

More sexual objectification of women by the forumā€™s biggest misogynist.

When did he get Covid?

Bayernā€™s last game of 2021 is on the 17th Dec.

Seems like more misinformation from the Vaccine Fascists.

Look, if the Omicron variant wants to become dominant in Ireland then it will.

(By the way, this thread hasnā€™t been updated in 3 hours. Is this a record?)


We donā€™t need no ventilation
We donā€™t need no Covid control
A rampaging virus in the classroom
Teacher you are on your own

Episode #3740323704

Fairly remarkable how the red weather warnings didnā€™t impact the test numbersā€¦.


youtube fashion GIF

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Eastern Europe is dying. Over 500 deaths a day here for the past week.
