You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Hopefully a wake up call for the rest of Europe about taking the bloody vaccines.

Good old days when you were just murdered or maimed

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What’s happening in western Europe that deaths are so low?

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Must be the calf wormer ye’re all taking. Can you send some over?


Saw the BBC news during the week and they still seem to have about 200 covid deaths a day. Not sure what the excess rates are like though.

Glenshane and MBB have both dropped dead from taking it… I’d search for an alternative.

Half eleven closing time

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Those pesky Swedes at the bottom again.

Fucking cunts walking around with their freedoms and laughing at us bed wetters

Idiots still screaming for their fantasy

Sweden killed all their elderly before the arrival of the vaccine. Have they jailed Tegnell yet?

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You’re just embarrassing yourself now.


Deaths from Covid per 1m of population does not make good reading for Sweden, not that you’d know of course.

Dunphy’s latest podcast with that irish journalist who lives in Sweden is an interesting listen

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Aye ‘when ye were just shot or blown up’

That guy is a headbanger


Does he still talk to the Irish Putin apologist?

Journalist? More like Philip the fibber.
A ponce in old money


Would it be the equivalent of an UK journalist living in West Cork?

While nothing in the Inbox yet I wouldn’t be shocked if a story broke about woke Irelands person in Malmo