You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Its only extremely effective if 100% of the population take it.

It seems to be a cod otherwise, mate.

Guys, just a reminder we CANNOT compare Sweden with its nearest neighbours, given they have 10 times the death rate.

It would offend the headbangersā€™ feelings.

Not really possible for a vaccine to be effective on the people who donā€™t avail of it really, is it?

Itā€™s Friday evening lads, twould do ye all the World of good to go for a pint, or at least log off for the weekend. The never ending thread will still be here Monday


Youā€™re absolutely raging that the Swedes are refusing to die of Covid, while Ireland and the rest of Europe is in renewed hysteria. Good luck under the bed for the next decade mate.


Things going well on Plague Island, as the lads here predicted they would.

Now Iā€™m no statistician, but I think see a general trend there.

Did somebody say hysteria?

What I really donā€™t understand about the narrative by the usual suspects about Omicron is the following.

Those usual suspects have been telling us all along that the death rates in Africa - which if Iā€™m not mistaken South Africa is in (the name of the country is a clue) - are low because of the younger average age of the population, lower obesity etc.

And who knows, perhaps there is some truth to that.

But now, theyā€™re telling us that Omicron - which we only heard about for the first time 16 days ago, is nothing to worry about based on what is happening in South Africa.

It doesnā€™t take a genius to work out that that does not compute. They are fundamentally competing assertions.

There remains no evidence that Omicron is any less virulent than Delta. As of now, the assumption should very much be that it is no less virulent. The assumption should be to prepare for a hurricane.

If the hurricane doesnā€™t arrive, that would be just great. But it is very not sensible to assume that it wonā€™t arrive. Quickly.

I donā€™t about yā€™all but Iā€™m not afraid of a mild respiratory virus.

In Mar/Apr 2020 we were led to believe the Black Plague was on us again, that turned out to not be the case.

Thereā€™s a lot of shriekers, dole merchants, bedwetters, zealots and others who have a vested interest in keeping all of this going. Letā€™s just ignore them.

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The new variant is a jumped up cold ffs :sweat_smile:


Christmas Party there today, 85 people for lunch, a feed of pints and grub, not a face nappy to be seen.


Incorrect mate. It is effective in preventing symptomatic illness and most importantly hospitalization for most people. The downside is it wears off after 6 months. Thatā€™s the reality of it.


90%+ of people likely would not have needed hospital treatment for it anyway.

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Oh I agree mate. Thats incorrect. But thats the narrative and will be the rationale for mandatory vaccines potentially in 2022.

True, but itā€™s hard to predict those that will need hospital treatment. Obviously the obese and those with underlying conditions are at highest risk, but thereā€™s also a subset that have susceptibly due to genetics and arenā€™t aware of it.

The most troubling thing really is the results of a very extensive Swedish study on vaccine waning, which concluded (and Iā€™m quoting) ā€œthe effectiveness against hospitalization remains high through 9 months, except for men, older frail individuals, and individuals with comorbiditiesā€. So those that were most vulnerable are still most vulnerable and will likely need regular boosters.

Next two weeks lads. Be good boys and girls and the Archbishop will let Santa visit.

Holohan warns thereā€™s two weeks to save your Christmas as 4,115 new Covid-19 cases confirmed


Once you have the elderly, obese and those with underlying conditions done then you more or less have all your ducks in a row. There will be plenty of scaredy cats who will roll their sleeve up out of pure gullibility and fear of a mild respiratory illness that donā€™t need it so the majority of countries are pretty much at vaccination levels that are far more that is needed or adequate.

After that it generally just depends on getting up and on with things. No problem with Omicron spreading through the general population, immunity will build up and the virus will have less options to spread it.

Thatā€™s under the amount of positive swabs.

They must be trying to lull people into a false sense of security to benefit business.

Interesting fact Iā€™ve just learned. The UK does not count reinfections.

Massaging the figures like Ghislaine Maxwell massaged Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s feet.

Not much of a backlog there now.

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