You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This is great stuff from Michael McNamara TD.

He makes an absolute mockery of the bullshit that weā€™re living through.


The rationale for the vaccine passport is totally ripped apart.


Iā€™d agree fully with you here, based on what we know the idea of a vaccine passport is utter bullshit. Thereā€™s only one thing that makes any sense for travel purposes and thatā€™s a recent negative test, beyond that vaccine status is meaningless. Anyone vaccinated six months or more ago has no protection against infection, and for a lot of people itā€™s far earlier than that.

Basically they think people are stupid and of course they are right to a degree, but as time goes on more and more people are recognizing what is being claimed is nonsensical. The CEO of Pfizer admitting their two shot regime doesnā€™t work but a third shot of the same should work, but you will likely need a fourth shot. The Omicron vaccine for mild Covid will need three shots as well, even for people will have had Covid multiple times already.


Double Moderna recipient
Presented for PCR Friday 03 Dec due to symptoms
PCR Results received following day - Covid not detected
Continued with isolation due to close contact
Symptoms persist through the weekend
Antigen test self administered 05 Dec - Covid detected
PCR test Monday 7th
PCR result received Dec 8th - Covid detected

I have had fluā€™s that were more debilitating but was close to hospital admission Wednesday evening bar a few metrics that thankfully corrected after a 6-8 hour surge.

I was euphoric yesterday having dodged that unnecessary journey and a little tired at times today.

Overall I think I feel better now than i did after the Moderna jabs.
Further research will be required before I elect to take a booster


I have a scientific theory that the majority of ppl who go out wearing Christmas jumpers are zero covid types


Question - you presented on December 3rd owing to symptoms, when did the symptoms commence??

also any point getting a booster now you have COVID?

A few days before, was isolating and drove 200km round trip to get an available PCR test for my daughter and myself.
Her test was positive
Mine negative

I thought PCR was the holy grail in detecting?

It was the antigen test that saved others from being infected by me

I actually think Iā€™d be better off being exposed to the omicron in the new year and my immune system would be set for a while.

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He wonā€™t be offered it if he tells them heā€™s had Covid that recently. 6 months I believe is the lagged time

Thatā€™s right, Iā€™ll wait for the Zulu booster AW22

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We had a similar experience. We were all tested on a Friday evening around 5 because my Wife had symptoms. One of the children woke up Saturday at 7, absolutely floored. Aches & pains, headache, tired etc. PCR result came back later that day, not detected. Gave him an antigen test the Sunday, detected.


And yet NPHET does not trust Paddy with an antigen test

It depends on whether youā€™re the minister for transport or not?


It takes real skill to completely defeat your own argument in a single paragraph but by Jove youā€™ve only gone and done it.

The sales of tonic water and butter must be sky rocketing. Or maybe lads who are responsible enough to hold down a job without being woken up by Dr Tony to go go work can be trusted to take sensible precautions and then get on with life


My employer is giving everyone an antigen test before the break and the ask is to use it on the day before youā€™re due back in the office in the new year.

Itā€™s not mandatory as in you wonā€™t be asked to provide a negative result to get back in the office but make contact with direct report if itā€™s positive.

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Makes tomorrows Sunday Times.

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Yeah your vaccine pass / QR code gets replaced by a recovery cert instead.

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Recovery cert :rofl:

I donā€™t know lads.

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