You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The director-general of the Health Service Executive has denied breaching government guidelines on mask-wearing while enjoying hospitality at a football game in the Aviva Stadium last month.

Photographs supplied to The Sunday Times show Paul Reid standing and talking to other guests while not wearing a mask in the Football Association of Irelandā€™s presidentā€™s suite.

Official guidelines for pubs and restaurants at the time said: ā€œFace coverings must be worn by customers at all times other than when seated at their table.ā€

The pictures, taken during the Ireland game against Portugal, also show both Roy Barrett, the FAI chairman, and fellow board member Joseph Oā€™Brien standing up without masks as the former Ireland manager John Giles posed for pictures. Niall Quinn, the ex-international and former interim deputy chief executive of the FAI, is also visible in one photo.

A source at the event said there was a dinner before the match at which Drew Harris, the garda commissioner, Heather Humphreys, who was then justice minister, and housing minister Darragh Oā€™Brien were among the guests.

The source said that he did not see any of that trio walking around without masks in the suite but was surprised by the number of other people doing so.

The only person who is visibly wearing a mask in the two photos obtained by The Sunday Times is a female member of the waiting staff.

Giles and Paula Gorham, a former womenā€™s international who was in one of the photos, were presented with an FAI ā€œHall of Fameā€ award on the pitch at half-time in the Ireland game. A friend of Giles said he attended the suite before and after the match wearing a mask, and took it off only to pose for a number of photographs.

The sold-out Portugal match was the first time the FAI had been able to host with the full attendance of almost 51,000 since the start of the pandemic. That week Colm Henry, the HSEā€™s chief clinical officer, asked all those attending sports matches to wear masks.

A statement issued by the HSE press office said: ā€œPaul Reid wore a mask throughout the match, and also while indoors at the event. However, he would have removed it when sitting at a table if eating or having a drink, and believes these photos may have been taken after he stood up to talk to someone who who approached him. He is a very conscientious observer of mask-wearing rules and etiquette.ā€

The FAI said: ā€œWe complied with all government guidelines around indoor catering in operation at the time of the Portugal game at the Aviva Stadium. As per those guidelines, all those present at the dinner event you refer to were fully vaccinated against Covid-19.ā€

Guidelines at the time permitted up to ten adults per table. Separate advice for live entertainment venues and nightclubs said that facemasks ā€œshould be worn in all indoor venuesā€ by patrons ā€œother when they are dancing, drinking or eatingā€.

The government guidance is that most cases of Covid are spread through close contact and droplets that come from peopleā€™s noses and mouths, especially when they sneeze, cough or talk loudly.

ā€œWearing a face covering/mask reduces the spread of these droplets and aerosols,ā€ the guidelines state. ā€œIt further prevents the spread of the virus from people who may not know they have it.ā€

He stalked a girl to Australia & made utterly disgusting comments about what heā€™d do to her.

Heā€™d be horrified to see you and the Mrs and other people out enjoying life.


@dodgy_keeper seems obsessed with stalking.

A very, very dangerous man.

The creepā€™s creep.

It also seems he had endangered public health by going out for meals.

It seems these Zero Covid nutters are very insincere. Do as I say, not as I do.

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'Tis absolutely delicious how the loons on this forum have been reduced to gibbering wrecks.

Utterly defeated.


Social pariahs.

As delicious as a safe, outdoor, socially distanced meal.

Wtf are you on about pal. You should have seen Ryanā€™s last night. Absolute bedlam.


Heā€™s a compete hypocrite alright.

Restrictions are for everyone else but not him.

Always the victim, itā€™s never his fault.

Watch what you say around him, he might have another meltdown and doxx you. A real dangerous individual.

You can always tell the real creeps on this forum.

They hide their profiles.

Afraid to stand over their words.


These are the same lads that set up fake profiles to try and silence those they are unable to beat in debate.

How is it in any way hypocritical to have a safe, socially distanced outdoor meal, in accordance with the law?

Pearl clutching freaks like you want to kill thousands of people by letting the virus rip and then turn around and vilify anybody who acts in accordance with the law.

Now thereā€™s hypocrisy.

Brain rot is a terrible thing.

Itā€™s been quite clear, heā€™s an utter sociopath.

When he had his little episode last year, goading a poster about their wifeā€™s cancer before being banned and taking off to Twitter to tag journalists to get the forum shut down. Subsequently when that didnā€™t get traction he took off to creating Twitter accounts trying to imitate posters and then revealing their real life identities and trying to get one poster sacked from their job.

So when we routinely see him trying to weaponise deaths, lie through his teeth and try and misrepresent the word and beliefs of people, try and polarise debates with misinformation and false labelling of people who have different views to his rancid extremism - we can clearly see his position is nothing sincere.

Itā€™s merely a person with a personality disorder wanting everyone to be as miserable and sad as his little life is. I would suggest seeking employment for the first time in his adult life might bring about some sort of self esteem boost in being a functioning member of society but heā€™s gone past the point of rescue now.


A real nasty piece of work. Everyone else is always wrong, heā€™s always right.

Narcissistic doesnā€™t even begin to describe him. Claims to be this champion of human rights but mocks people over getting a serious illness and cheerleads the execution of innocent, unborn, defenceless little human beings.

How many times have you been banned from GAABoard, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy?

About 20, isnā€™t it?

They have your cards well and truly marked there.

Hated wherever you go, you and your army of fake accounts. Just like @dodgy_keeper and all the other self hating creeps here.

But thatā€™s nothing compared to your pathological self hatred.

You support forcing raped women to give birth.

Thatā€™d be your level alright.

And the meltdown has began.

Where will the crazed Doxxer bring this one to?

LOL. I got banned from GAAboards for comparing Rory McIlroy to Lleyton Hewitt. Sometimes the easiest thing to do with a great debater is to remove his ability to post. I also got banned from The Huddleboard a number if years because I upset the new age Jocko cohort. Iā€™m like the player who causes chaos and the only way to stop me us through underhand means.

I think it says a lot about the middle aged bores that are not able to accept different opinions and are forced to either censoring those opinions or misrepresenting. The type of people who engage in this really need to look at themselves, it takes two to tango but Iā€™m not the one who sinks to the gutter and resorts to saying reprehensible things or lying through my teeth.

I take an honour in my cyber integrity and I think that even wins me the respect of some great foes on here.

The Doxxer doesnā€™t get that respect - a nasty individual who goes on smear campaigns, lies and toxic polarisation and labelling.


Nobody of any consequence or self respect respects you, Fluvio.

How could they when you donā€™t respect yourself.

They just think of you as what you are - a fat, miserable, self hating virgin.

Actually, I take the last bit back. The amount of fellating you do to any other fat, miserable, self hating creep here who you think you can extract a few likes from is positively promiscuous.

But again, the total lack of self respect is glaring.

Why are the Brits shitting themselves about hospitals being flooded ?

To deflect from Boris.

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Not to expand too much but the woman was obsessed with Covid when we were talking to her.

The husband was a nice fella but pure harmless. We said you couldnā€™t blame young lads for going to night clubs etc. He agreed but your one said how could you do it to your conscience.

She more or less asked me was I double vaxxed and it was the foreigners fault we are not near 100%.

She was a deranged individual. They do exist.


You seem obsessed with her.

Iā€™m neither fat or self hating - my 5k times and sporting achievements prove that but some feel the need to go into projection land with misinformation again, maybe running others down makes them feel better about themselves. I feel quite proud of myself and know myself to be a good person. I think most posters here will recognise that despite our many heated confrontations. I treat internet forums as a bit of a laugh.

I never got ran off an internet forum and felt the need to try and take it down by tagging journalists and causing grief in another posters own personal life. I never felt the need to goad a poster about a close relative having cancer. I never felt the need to contact another posterā€™s employer.

I donā€™t see anything wrong with being a virgin, maybe thatā€™s something that really matters to you but I couldnā€™t see how women would be anything other than repelled from The Doxxer.

The Doxxer is in his 40s now, maybe itā€™s about time he stopped mooching off his parents and made some meaningful contribution to life. Maybe itā€™s about time to stop hating on those who became adults when they finished their higher education.

The Doxxerā€™s mask slipped a long time ago, everyone knows what he is and everyone knows what he is capable of. People can make mistakes but itā€™s the sheer lack of contrition, the lack of atonement or acknowledge and the absolute abundance of poisonous misinformation that shows that is what heā€™s about.