You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

He sounds badly hurt.

You would think someone who had a bone of decency in them would at some point show contrition or acknowledgment for their actions and words in the past.

What The Doxxer has shown consistently over the past 18 months is his character is irredeemable.

When somebody is sitting there in their underpants having a meltdown, it’s always best to leave them to it.

How long will Ireland wait?

Forcing unvaccinated children into unventilated classrooms and expecting them to get this virus, which is the number one cause of child mortality in the US, is basically child abuse.


I know I also try to address the point when my positions are challenged.

It wouldn’t be my style to go and goad a poster about their wife having cancer, or to try around tagging journalists to close the forum when I get banned off it, or to set up accounts on social media purporting to be a poster from a forum he was on, or to try and out the real life identities of other posters, or to try and contact the employers of other posters.

That would suggest some sort of personality disorder. The fact that no apology or acknowledgement was every forthcoming for that conduct means that most posters here have The Doxxer earmarked as a really poisonous individual.

I know it’s embarrassing for him to have me keep addressing this but I think it’s important in terms of context that we know the individual behind a campaign of misinformation.

Projection is a terrible thing.

I don’t need to project about any of these.

Unlike some I know the difference between right and wrong, acceptable and unacceptable, consideration of people’s right to have a view whether I agree or disagree with it.


We need a plan announced before Christmas with a time frame for the removal off all restrictions so people can start making plans for 2022.

People need to be demanding this from the politicians.


Never going to happen. In fact it cant happen. If a time frame is announced and for whatever reason this particular variant takes hold, trying to adhere to a time frame is only going to piss people off even more

They’ve made loads of plans for their various doomsday scenarios so a plan to return to normality is essential.

How can you make a foolproof long term plan when there exists a massive biological problem which continually shifts and changes shape?

You can’t.

To think you can betrays an incredible arrogance, a total lack of humility.

You’re not getting it fella. They haven’t a fucking clue what direction this is going to take. Maybe just maybe when a sufficient amount of people have received their booster, they might be able to do something

Everything is pointing towards the omicron being incredibly mild and incredibly transmissible.

This is the end of the pandemic. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the end of the vaccine and the booster programme as well.

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Gina Media watch @Spidey


The only restauranteur in dublin

She alone has had 4k bookings cancelled?

She has in her fuck. Definitely never happened

Omicron is your next booster

Smart people will be self infecting