You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Correct and it’s going to signal the end of the


My plan is to get my booster and 3 weeks after inject myself with Omicron #winning

Watching the Kimmich interview now on ZDF. I’ll post the key points below.
To be fair to him, his tone is one of someone who has learned the hard way & wishes he had avoided getting Covid while unvaccinated.
Kimmich says his it was a difficult time for him. He was lucky his infection was “relatively mild.” But he lost taste & smell & a medical check showed he had some fluid in the lung. Therefore 10 days before he can return to training.
Asked about the fluid, he said he can’t do intensive training as there’s a danger it could travel to the heart and then the absence would be longer. But has been told if he takes it easy for 10 days, he should be OK.
When he found out he was positive it was of course “not great.” He had been 2 weeks in quarantine prior. The positive test came on the last day of his quarantine. Just hoped he would have a mild course & that no consequences would result.
Why didn’t he get vaxxed? He said he for a long time saw risks in both the disease & being vaxxed. He thought he could protect himself & teammates by just sticking to health measures & being tested every 3 days.
Then Kimmich saw & felt that with the arrival of the fourth Covid wave in Germany, you couldn’t influence that as much through your own personal conduct. Also in the team they has a few cases in the team. That made it clear to him, it’s not in our own hands.
Will Kimmich now get vaxxed?
“Yes. I even had a vaccination date agreed with my doctor during my second quarantine period. Unfortunately the illness came first.”
Kimmich says he’ll be regarded for a while as “recovered” (Genesen) but when it’s recommended that he gets vaccinated, he will absolutely do it.
Does he have a guilty conscience for leaving his teammates without him such as against Dortmund? He says he does. But also feels first & foremost for his family who had to listen to it.
“I was the one who sat at home, missed this huge game, couldn’t help & as good as left the team in the lurch. Not because I got infected but because I missed 2 weeks & 1 week respectively as I was a contact person. And had I been vaccinated, that wouldn’t have happened.”

These freaks need to be challenged for their complete illogical and hysterical point of views enda. The husband clearly sounded like one of those @Bandage type beaten dockets who is just going to nod along ‘yes dear’ no matter what she says. These are the ones watching Claire Byrne religiously, chuckling along about Dr. Tony saving us etc. They need to be stopped, it’s a pity you didn’t throw a couple of hand grenades Sweden references in there or how you know this killer disease spreads regardless of vax status, her 13 year old son would be completely fine if he caught covid, it is statistically insignificant danger for kids etc etc. anything to snap them out of their bubbles. She would of course gone back and berated the tar out of the poor misfortunate hubby but we can’t sit idly by and let these nutters set the agenda anymore.


Can we give them to a third world country as part of our charitable history? Some people claim (and does make sense to me me) the whole world needs a vaccine before the west gets boosters

Calm down petal, you’re hysterical.

Noone is safe until everyone is safe

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This fella is a real leader.


You made a typo there, buddy.

Its a valid point made by the we can be zeros. Yet some of the same people demand we show 4 or 5 vaccines into ourselves and our children first. Mental gymnastics is fantastic

Steve Baker talks a lot of sense


He’s bang on the money it’s time to drive on now.


Are you getting the booster shot @Tassotti ?

Minister for tik Tok wants to “boost the booster”

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Am I fuck. To save me from a runny nose is it? Johnson is toast, no one gives a shite about this covid nonsense now


You have to pity the chaps scared shitless by a mild respiratory virus.


That was good clear public messaging by Johnson, the cunt.

UK bringing forward the target for ALL adults to get a booster to December 31.

You can’t beat the NHS.

You’d really take advice from this guy?


The policy urgency as regards boosters being shown by the UK is exactly what is required.

And it was an effective communication by Johnson of the gravity of the situation.

So he deserves a modicum of credit for that.