You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Incorrect. He’s deadcatting, just raising the fear index to change the headlines. Its classic distraction


Diversion factor level 10

It isn’t “dead catting”. The threat is clear and present.

It seems to be completely beyond the comprehension of a lot of people of limited intelligence that a clear and present public health crisis and a further serious public health threat can exist at the same time as a Prime Minister is under the microscope for rule breaking.

To think that that rapidly developing new threat to public health is a “dead cat” is yet more bonkers conspiracy thinking.

You are beginning to sound more and more like the average Brexit voter


Another good thing about that announcement is that it will force our lads and lassies to revaluate what is a swift roll out of the boosters in the same way that the UK announcing a full lockdown on March 23rd, 2020 or whatever it was forced our government to follow suit from March 28th.

When the Brits act, we follow.

Most of the time, that’s a bad thing. With the March 2020 lockdown it was a good thing, and it will be with this too.

You are beginning to sound as if nothing except dumb slogans fills your head.

Our vaccine now is omicron. It’s a mild and basically nobody gets sick from it.


Says the lad who’s throwing his lot in with Boris Johnson

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You’re just providing more ammunition for my theory.

Definition of insanity comes to mind when people think the 4th booster will keep them safe.

“Repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”


Steve Baker talking a lot of sense here


Tut tut

You just dont get it pal

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There are actual parrots with more critical thinking ability than this human parrot.

So would you advise people to get a booster or not?

Will you be getting one?

Yes and yes. That does not mean Johnson is not deadcatting

So you accept that it is advisable to get a booster.

And therefore you accept that there is a need to roll out boosters as quickly as possible.

Which by definition means you accept that the UK’s decision to accelerate that booster campaign is a good one and a necessary one.

Which means it therefore cannot be a dead cat.

It is a measure which will save lives.

No. I just want this thing to be done

Until the next boosters

No its distraction

You are very naive

I hope so. Until the next measure. And the next one after that. If only we had this obsession over everything that kills us


Booster immunity lasts two weeks. Fourth booster will last a week. Daily boosters incoming.


You just said you would advise people to get a booster and that you yourself would be getting a booster.

At the moment I’d say it’s likely there will have to be another booster. Maybe another one after that. And maybe another one after that. Biological reality and epidemiological reality don’t care about your feelings, or your slogans.

You’ve already accepted it is advisable to get a booster. Therefore given the clear and present developing threat which has accentuated the need for boosters, it makes no sense to not want to roll them out as quickly as possible.


Boosters have already been demonstrated to save countless lives.

If there has to be a next round of boosters, it will be because the existential threat societies and to countless lives that is Covid is still there, or because it has mutated again into a worse form.

We already know the measures which will decrease the likelihood of that happening. Mass worldwide vaccination, masks, ventilation, social distancing.