You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

This is a shamelessly anti-vaccine message.

The whole of the scientific world is strongly advocating vaccination and boosters where possible.

But you think they are wrong.

Booster immunity is not lasting in Israel where boosters started. That was before the deadly Omicron variant.

You are an anti science zealot.


Omicron is the booster. We should hosting super speeder partys.


So you are anti-booster now.

And anti-science.

You are against the entirety of the world’s scientific community in advising people not to get boosted.

One thing you are an expert on though is projection.

Next party in Brandon?

You shouldn’t use the word science, it’s desecration.

Vaccines did not get us out of this, nor will boosters. But get a booster if it makes you feel safer.

Everyone will get Covid multiple times that’s the reality. Luckily most people now have decent immunity.


New Years :hammer:


I’ve consistently said vaccines alone will not get us out of this, as have the extremely sensible people you tried to vilify during the pandemic.

You vilified them in large part because they said this.

Just admit you’re now anti-vaccine.

It would be so much easier for you to not have to deny who you are any longer.

Pro vaccine like he was pro Biden.

Leave the freaks and geeks get as many boosters as they like and stay under the bed for as long as they like but the rest of us get on with life. No one’s going to stop @Cheasty and those useless losers “wfh” indefinitely

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Lads you know this omicron variant we are terrified of, well ye will be glad to know the HSE are all over it. Lad I know got a phone call today, a flight he was on two weeks ago had people who have tested positive for the omicron variant. They told him today. They apologised for the delay and said he should get a test but there’s no need to isolate as the two weeks are up already.

We are in safe hands


Had he any symptoms?

Cheasty doesn’t fucking wfh

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This lad gets it


“It’s mild, whether you’re a child , 80 , vaccinated or unvaccinated…”


No nothing at all thankfully.

When she started talking about how could you live with your conscience going to a nightclub, that wa the point when you should have told her to fuck off. You should have told her you couldn’t give a shit and how could she live with her conscience stopping a generation of young people living their lives. And also tell her that her son will never amount to anything because she’s molly coddled him and destroyed his life.


@Cheasty listen to the good news.

He doesn’t fucking w


You get fierce riled up when anyone mentions nightclubs.