You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yes I do

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I am pro vaccine. Unlike you and morons like Mike Cunt I understand what Covid vaccines do and don’t do. They provide some protection for a limited time against serious illness for those prone to serious illness. They are not magic.


“I have a problem in my life. I have been frightened by the TV and I feel very anxious. Now no-one can ever dance again. Why would anyone ever want to dance? I’m sorry that industry must be ended, there’s just no dancing in the future.”

FOAD under your bed you cunt.

Joe like Covid vaccines is a bit of a disappointment.

That’s the point you mong. Listen crawl back under your rock and die

You’re very odd

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Maybe she feels guilty about it and her feet have got no rhythm.

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Its selfish to get more than 2 vaccines. Do they know its Christmas time in Africa? Vaccine inequality will prolong covid

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Kieran fancies himself as a bit of a demagogue. You wouldn’t expect that from somebody from a Kilkenny hurling background.

Deniers love telling people to die.

Funnily enough that tactic doesn’t seem to have persuaded many people.

Almost like it exposes the deniers as hysterical balloons.

You don’t seem to be acknowledging any of the good news re omicron being a very mild variant.


As Mike says you’re pro-vaccine like you were pro-Biden, ie. anti-vaccine.

He’s dead

So you should


Claire Byrne wont like this


Kierans view on covid is almost the exact same as every middle of the road, middle aged father of young kids I’ve spoken to over the past year or so. ie not anywhere near full blown anti Vax covid is a cod and knows it can be a very serious illness for a lot of older people and a tiny percentage of younger people. Like most of us I’d say he follows the rules, is vaccinated, wears the mask etc etc but feels the whole thing is a bit overblown, the restrictions are arbitrary and most of them make little sense and nphet and the government are not ‘experts’ and are mostly making it up as they go along. The unusual thing is he seems to be the only person in mainstream media representing this very common position.


What good news? There is no evidence as of this time that this variant is any less serious.

There are only soundings from a small amount of people that the effects of it may so far not be as bad as feared. Those soundings are based on a tiny amount of evidence from a very young population at a very preliminary stage.

Even in the hypothetical event that Omicron turns out to be less virulent than Delta, that can cause a bigger problem, if it’s transmissible enough.

Every assumption should be that this variant is going a very serious problem.

Shouldn’t it?

Why would you not plan for a problem when the scientific community is blue in the face telling you to plan on the assumption there will be a big problem?

What are the serious arguments to assume something will not be a problem?

Serious arguments, not the codology of a boring internet troll, which you are.

Covid Delta was my booster

Free to leave my home on Wednesday

Omicron shall set us free.

I’m scheduling a dose of Omicron for March


Kieran has quite clearly stated his view that there should be no more restrictions, come what may.

Even if they are needed.

He has taken a fixed position and demonstrated that no fact can persuade him that his belief in that fixed, rigid position can ever be wrong.

That’s called dogma.

When dogma is uttered by a radio show host at a station which is heavily influenced by US right wing talk radio, that’s called wannabe demagoguery.