You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We have our 3 and 1-year olds wearing masks around the house since March 2020, even though the 1-year old wasn’t born at that stage.


You’re a great dad.

The virus is getting more and more transmissible because it has been allowed to.

But some places didn’t allow it to.

What does Ireland’s situation and Europe’s situation and America’s situation tell us? It tells us that living with Covid is and always was a cod.

Van den Bossche said that vaccines would cause a super variant which would lead to a doomsday situation. You have continually backed up his theories.

Again, in reality the threat was always the wide spread of the virus in largely unvaccinated populations. And in the immunocompromised. Normality bias has always been our enemy - even in most places which did things relatively well, which includes Denmark, Norway, Finland, Portugal.

Good craic mate. If I didnt have to go and see my son that day we could have had a good row.

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This is why increased transmissibility is more serious for the public health situation than increased lethality.

To understand the difference between exponential and linear risks, consider an example put forth by Adam Kucharski, a professor at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine who focuses on mathematical analyses of infectious-disease outbreaks. Kucharski compares a 50 percent increase in virus lethality to a 50 percent increase in virus transmissibility. Take a virus reproduction rate of about 1.1 and an infection fatality risk of 0.8 percent and imagine 10,000 active infections—a plausible scenario for many European cities, as Kucharski notes. As things stand, with those numbers, we’d expect 129 deaths in a month. If the fatality rate increased by 50 percent, that would lead to 193 deaths. In contrast, a 50 percent increase in transmissibility would lead to a whopping 978 deaths in just one month—assuming, in both scenarios, a six-day infection-generation time.

Transmissibility increases can quickly—very quickly—expand the baseline: Each new infected person potentially infects many more people. Severity increases affect only the infected person. That infection is certainly tragic, and this new variant’s lack of increase in severity or lethality thankfully means that the variant is not a bigger threat to the individual who may get infected. It is, however, a bigger threat to society because it can dramatically change the number of infected people. To put it another way, a small percentage of a very big number can easily be much, much bigger than a big percentage of a small number.

You should have isolated the wee mite until his pcr results came back…throw him the odd ‘e hug’ and a few lumps of rare steak

@cheasty, the SA variant might be very serious, but a few thoughts:

  1. One of the secret, or not so secret hopes, that epidemiologists had for ending the pandemic was that a less dangerous strain would come a long and infect everyone. So, you might be right that this might be the end of the next two years but there’s also a chance that it’s it’s end of the pandemic, we’ll have to wait and see.

  2. There is no conceivable way, no matter what anyone in the West did, to lockdown certain 3rd world urban environments. These include the townships in South Africa and the favelas in Brazil. This has all been said to you before. A favela is literally a place where the Brazilian government cannot enter without getting attacked by a mafia army. It’s literally a place outside the control of the government, where the mafia control everything, including basic utilities. When the government periodically decide that they want to take control of a particular favela they roll up unannounced with tanks and loads of guys with uzis and a massive firefight starts and sometimes lasts for about a week. The Brazilian government don’t have the resources to defeat all the mafioso. Stop saying that the outbreak in these areas could have been controlled by zero-covid of some shite. That is a lie. Stop it. The outbreak possibly could have been controlled in these areas with vaccines, it might still be, but how do you vaccinate the entire planet, 7 billion people, simultaneously. You were (rightly) calling for 3rd jabs in the west at the same time that you were (rightly) calling for these areas to be vaccinated. If there is a conspiracy against these areas (which there is not) you are as much part of it as anyone. It is absolutely 100% inevitable that variations will come from these areas and there is absolutely nothing that anyone in the West can do to stop that. The idea that this can be blamed on the political right or left is a complete lie. “I told you this would happen” - no fucking shit. I am not the one in denial or engaging in mental bargaining here.

  3. You’re talking a lot about “society breaking down”. What actually does that mean? Will people be eating brains in the street? Was society broken down before the foundation of the HSE? How will your “breakdown in society” be any worse than being locked inside for the next 2 years?


Very good, I hear pampers are making a new face-nappy.

For lads who talk shit?

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Would you think the government will go with NPHET on the facemasks for kids thing ?

The CJ Stander variant is worrying.


Noticed a huge change in the auld lad tonight.

He doesn’t wear a mask in his job and goes to a pub a few times of the week etc but tonight he was on about people dying etc. I said turn off the RTE news and he said them people know what they are talking about etc. He couldn’t explain how the UK are flying it.

It just goes to show the power the likes of RTE have. Still won’t change his behaviour but it will compel him to talk the talk which is worse.


Keep telling him to ignore RTE, mate.

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It’s incredible. All they seem to talk about is covid - nonstop.


I for one welcome our new South African variant overlords. It can only improve our country like they did to our rubby teams

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Its abhorrent mate. Its a concious decision as well.

I see bbc have resumed speaking in deadly slow and serious tones when delivering their covid diatribe. I’d bet @tank’s stash that the behavioural scientists came up with that one…just hearing it in the background is nearly hypnotic. Sometimes I run around tesco shaking random strangers by the shoulders and warning them about it. Very hard to get through to them, they just look at me strangely and move on. If you can only teach one though…


Sounds like he might be (Claire) Byrned out.

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They’ve everyone over the age of 60 terrified. Any time I catch snippets of Scare Byrne, Liveline, Prime Time etc it’s incessant worry and negativity.

NPHET and their mouthpieces go unchallenged. A few weeks ago Nolan was saying it was plateauing - now we are masking children and stopping them from playing with their friends.

Make no mistake Covid Claire will be advocating for 5-9 year olds to wear masks too.