You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Nail on the head and I suspect the answer to your question at the latter part of your post is that most people with the same attitude as Kieran just get on with their lives on a daily basis and dont waste their valuable time posting g about it on social media


I’m not sure that’s true and if it is that would be slightly different from ‘mr middle’ who thinks ‘if the hospitals are over run and loads of people start to die’ they should bring in restrictions.


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Covid is the best thing that ever happened to the National broadcaster.
They are in no rush to see any light at the end of tunnel.
Cuddihy isn’t afraid to speak up for the man or woman on the street in fairness to him


It is true. Kieran is deliberately fomenting anti-“gub’mint” and anti-public health anger for his own personal benefit, to advance his own career, to boost his own ratings.

If the Government brings in restrictions it is because they are necessary. They sure aren’t brought in to improve their popularity.

If you’re bringing in restrictions only when the hospitals are overrun, you’ve failed in terms of policy.

The point is you’re supposed to act to prevent catastrophe happening. You don’t wait until catastrophe happens to react. It’s too late then.

This forum seems to think that you should wait until catastrophe happens. And even then not react.

Two years into this, and a lot of people still cannot comprehend that prevention is better than cure.

And there are some strange people who have decided to build their entire sense of identity around having goldfish brain. Or worse.

You’d do well to read Colm McCarthy’s article in today’s Sunday Independent (I’m sure you’ll find it on a bus or a public bench). Correctly attributes a large amount of blame to pub and business lobby groups who have zero understanding of public health and have negatively influenced government policy. Harming themselves in the process.

This is a point I have consistently made. The greatest enemy of business during this pandemic has been business. Public health has always been business’s greatest ally but business has very unwisely chosen to vilify it.

Look maybe you’re right I’m just saying his view is consistent with the vast majority of people, especially men, under 50. No harm having a fella in the media in tune with what most normal people think in a democracy - even if they turn out to be wrong.

James Melville is a truly monumental simpleton.

You would do well to switch your headlights on and at least attempt to understand the reality of the situation. Putting everything else on hold/a stop start life/Working people struggling/mental health issues through the roof. Some are making zillions most are getting fucked. Its political bro and you’re on the wrong side of this one


There is a lots of harm in having a wannabe demagogue with no responsibility and no sense of responsibility who only cares about his own ratings and will say anything to boost them.

We see those consequences in the way the US and Britain have turned into right wing hellholes who vote for insanity. We see the harm it wrought on those countries.

In Ireland, we have the potential for such bullshit to contribute to lots of harm like, oh, the potential for a lot of people to die, the over running of the health service, long running disruption to society on a much greater scale than would otherwise be the case.

We don’t need the views of people like Kieran. We need the views of responsible people who recognise that the potential is there for this to turn into a catastrophe. If that potential is recognised on as wide a scale as possible, the chances of avoiding it increase.

It is your own pub lobby that has refused to switch their headlights on.

It is your own pub lobby that cannot comprehend the existential nature of this.

It is your own pub lobby which can only think of 2019 normality and cutting corners to get back to it, no matter the consequences.

It is a classic example of short term, sectoral thinking.

Kieran cuddihy the most harmless aul middle of the road chap going is a dangerous demegogue ffs. Go to bed cheasty you’ve a long week ahead of you.


Keep editing your post. Its you and your fellow we could be zero’s who are attempting to alter human nature. The sooner you kop on to yourselves the better for all of us


If somebody is fomenting anti-“gub’mint”, anti-restrictions at any costs demagoguery for their own benefit, they have well and truly nailed their colours to a particular mast.

It’s the mast of those that have been wrong over and over and over again.

The pub lobby and those who refuse to consider the multi-pronged approach to remove this as an existential threat are part of the Forever Covid lobby.

Forever Covid means your pub and your industry, and probably a lot of other industries, are probably finished.

Sorry to break it to you but that’s the grim reality.

Okay mate

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I disagree. They bring in restrictions because it means they don’t have to make decisions. ‘Sure we did what the experts said. Sure what else could we do’. And the thought of the opposition being able to throw out the line that their decisions caused deaths is a greater motivator for politicians than trying to think critically about it. It’s why most of the opposition have remained completely silent on any other options and only snipe around the issue.
And they have far less skin in the game than normal people. They have had no financial distress and the state will always pay. They were slow getting the vaccines out at the start and the booster campaign is a mess. Their capacity increase has been shit. Their leaking of policies and u-turns have been appalling. You give them far too much credit.


Agree totally. They made a balls of it from the get go.

I wouldn’t say that. They definitely got some stuff right. The initial lockdown and the pup were great calls I reckon. As was their initial messaging. But as its gone on they’ve become completely reactive and made a hames of a heap of shit. There is clearly no plan at present other than throw the fingers in your ears and hope it goes away.