You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

7:20 am, Monday morning, I wonder what @cheasty thinks?

That post is a lot of oul’ shite. You only look at the situation through a court intrigue soap opera lens. Which is fucking irrelevant, except to pol corrs looking for a “scoop”.

And what “credit” am I giving them? It is you who are giving them far too much credit.

Every restriction that has been brought in has been necessary.

The point is in most cases the Government have done the bare minimum necessary, or something wholly inadequate, or gone against public health advice.

And when they’ve gone against public health advice they’ve been cheerled on by the ignorant ballons here.

Currently we’re not remotely near the minimum necessary. Which to anybody looking honestly at the situation, is Lockdown 5+. Not to stop Omicron, you won’t do that. To slow it against a backdrop of what on all evidence and logic is a potential catastrophe.

But shure maybe Omicron only spreads in nightclubs. Lads on this forum seem to think so anyway.

The good news keeps coming. No wonder @mikehunt has disappeared.


After 21 months Conor and you still do not understand the concept of lag.

It’s like somebody trying to comment on football who is unaware of the offside rule.

Happy Monday everyone.


I think most of us understand the concept of lag. How long should we leave it before trusting death data from South Africa so? You understand it and everything else about covid better than anyone here as you keep telling us. And obviously you feel that data is useless at present. You could probably pick us an exact date. How long before it is safe to trust data from SA?


That’s absolute bullshit.

Sounds like @mikehunt

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There’s not many people who differ from this (if any at all) on this forum, but the nutjobs like Mike and The Doxxer feel the need to misrepresent people who state the whole thing and reaction to it is overblown.

I think this shows you how fanatical they are in their position that they refuse to engage in logic and reason, they are what you call “dug in”. They made idiots of themselves but rather than put their hands up and admit it they are doubling down with lies, misinformation and misrepresentation.

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@glenshane vindicated once again.

We could be zero.


Has any country consistently nailed it with their response to the pandemic over last two years ? And I’m not talking locking the front door from the outside …

The Doxxer would be a world champion in projection if such an accolade existed.

Sweden has probably been the best.

Yes. New Zealand have. But @glasagusban says they have failed miserably.

More lies.

I do trust the data from South Africa.

The data is currently extremely incomplete.

Omicron has been know about since November 24th.

In the UK the first recorded Covid case was January 31st, 2020. The first death was not until March 5th.

What did the UK’s data on February 18th, 2020 tell us about the amount of deaths that were to come in the UK?

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According to you, they failed. They couldn’t be zero. Except they were. But you said they couldn’t be. But you were wrong.


They weren’t testing for it and you know that.


I said it worked for NZ. Why are you lying?