You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

all the mugs swallow it as usual

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Thereā€™s my 9 month booster sorted


Iā€™m confused now kid (itā€™s very easy to confuse me mind) Are you riddled or not?



First day of compulsory checking of covid vaccines in hospitality up here, not much festive cheer when the door is locked and you have to wait while the pissed off barman checks you in. A couple of pubs locally where itā€™s usually 1 barman working on his own havenā€™t bothered opening at all, itā€™s a sorry sight.


An awful measure. It makes no sense whatsoever especially after what is now widely known about the vaccines.

Youā€™d wonder will it be permanent too.

Iā€™d forgotten all about the thing. Had to get the wife to send mine to me there last week as I was checking in to the hotel. Pain in the hole

get your papers in order ffs

Yerra, I fired up a box of Roches onto the desk. Job was oxo

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Itā€™s just a really sad sight, I can name 6 men who would be there every Monday and they sitting at home on their own now. Not the barmans fault either, the understanding that there may be between a country publican and the local guard down there doesnā€™t exist here and they are not prepared to risk the fine.
One of the local charities put this up a few days ago as well.


Where are you ?

McConkey back on our screens
Not a good sign

Clare Byrnes tv show tonight could have an end of days feel to it

Jack chambers pleading with people to reduce ā€œsocialisationā€.

Luke Oā€™Neill back in his bubble with Claire throwing the plastic model of the virus out the window of the shed as adventurer and mountaineer Pat Falvey looks on wearing a heavy coat.


I wonder where mcconkey has been since the
Spring ?

The new variant has taken off like a rocket accross the water. Weā€™ll have to get @glenshane to man the border

Was, recovered now - thanks.

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They are covering assisted suicide on Clare Byrne this evening. Just to lighten the mood.