You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I now accept that @cheasty has overwhelmingly been right in his general Covid analysis. Deep down I know others must acknowledge this too, but youse are still fighting it.

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It is disgusting mate. Imagine this lunacy was on the table two years ago. You would be laughed out of it. I personally think its frightening whats going on especially in terms of peoples rights.

I reckon its going to get worse too.

I’d say they will do it reluctantly to say we’ve done this to avoid a lockdown/more severe restrictions.

It’s all a cod. This was their own view in April 2021. They recommended no face masks. You’d wonder what’s changed.

There may be unintended consequences associated with use of face coverings in young children; particularly among very young children who have difficulty in correctly wearing face coverings. More touching of faces may occur, including by those supervising children (e.g. teachers) where they need to assist a child with a face covering; this may lead to closer contact and potentially touching of high risk secretions.

Stajduhar et al. (note: preprint publication) examined the extent to which children could recognise faces when presented with images where the faces were wearing masks versus not wearing masks. The inclusion of face masks was found to reduce the ability of the children to perceive the faces and alter the manner in which children processed the faces. The authors speculated that this may have implications for children’s social interactions.

Global elimination, eradication, should have the been the goal from day one. That it wasn’t has led us to this situation, the consequences of which are unknowable.

I have always called for vaccine equity. This should have been one of the minimum responses.

Right wing politics and the insane culture war it perpetually wages has fucking disgraced itself during this pandemic. It has had no answers whatsoever. This should have been treated as a World War situation from the start. When the vaccines came on stream, intellectual property rights should have been bulldozed through if the absence of voluntary waiving, and vaccines rushed out to every corner the world as fast as humanly possible. Right wing politics – property rights – the thing that has always most important in the ideology of right wing politics, stopped that happening.

That’s not even to mention its perpetual war of lies against anything that would help to stop or mitigate this. They’ve opposed everything. Lockdown, restrictions, masks, vaccines, ventilation, everything. Conspiracy theories, anti-science aggression, the medical and scientific equivalent of flat earth theory, witch burning, book burning.

So yes I will blame right wing politics, thanks. It needs to be put in the dustbin of history, because its putting societies in the dustbin of history.

And normality bias won’t get you anywhere. This is existential. The thinking is so far away from where it needs to be, that at the moment it feels like this will never end, not in our lifetimes, that constant precarity will be the best we can ever achieve.

Mass death, mass chronic illness leaving people unable to ever work again, mass poverty. It will likely lead to end of democracy in a lot of places and a turn towards demagoguery which will make things a lot worse again. Demagogues turn towards war in these situations. Watch how Yugoslavia descended into war, from a minor local squabble which escalated gradually, spread up and up and up it went, until war. This is a global pandemic. Just a trifling bit more serious than Serbs and Kosovars getting into a metaphorical cock measuring contest in some village over who got to read the standing orders at a local council meeting.

You talk about “forget public health”. If this keeps going, and gets worse, who would want to work in health at all?

How will society function if constant precarity is the best we can muster?

The last 80 years have been the aberration in humanity. The troubles and strife of the world before that are the norm, not what we have experienced in our cosseted existence growing up in Ireland in the 1980s and 1990s.

No offence, but if this was 1916 I get the impression that you and yours would be on the brits side, mate.

No offence taken because you’re a simpleton of absolutely epic proportions, mate.


Like given for that.

Zero covid isn’t possible in Ireland or Europe, let alone in favelas.

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I’ll fight you on Sunday at midday in either Portlaoise, Tullamore, Tipp town or Dungarvan. Your choice. Let’s get this done before inter-county travel restrictions kick in again.

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You’re a right wing demagogue, who offers no solutions.

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Tipp Town outside Aldi would suit me pal.


There’s a fair chance I’ll be outside Aldi in Tipp Town around 12pm on Sunday.


@Cheasty You would make a great guest on some RTE segment with the amount of negative peddling you engage in, a fair miserable existence.

You can be the referee @peddlerscross

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Here’s hoping I end up with serious egg on my face.

Whats the point I trying to stop this new variant. Nothing worked for all the others and it will be here soon. Can we just stop all the constant nonsense beamed into every bit of media we consume.

Tolerance of Covid is why we are facing this situation.

So called “realism” by the self declared “adults in the room” has failed miserably. As it usually does.

Fantasies never fail you


OK lads.
@Tank have been excellent so far at predicting when restrictions come in…im still holding on full level 5 , Dec 28
OK that aside
This new Mugabe variant looks the real deal.
what dates or timeframe are we putting around this.

  • Dec 3_ WHO call it variant of concern
    Dec 4. detected in Europe
    Dec 7 . First 3 cases in Ireland
    Dec 22. now the dominant strain
    Jan 3. First nursing home death
    Jan 31… 50 plus deaths a day

is that reasonable @Cheasty ?

