You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Itā€™s gas seeing The Doxxer being utterly unable to debate the point.

Laughable to think he sees himself as some sort of intellect when he petulantly behaves like a child when his batshit crazy views are challenged.

I suppose being an adult in your 40s and never having worked a day in your life will stunt your social development.


The number of people in Ireland who are not vaccinated are disproportionately not Irish born.

Thatā€™s a fact. So when lads criticise the non vaccinated cohort they are engaging in criticism of different cultural norms.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch the mental gymnastics they engage in to deflect from their intolerance.

Iā€™ve clearly demonstrated in plain terms, using your own words and your own link, that your claim is completely false.

You are arguing against a cast iron fact. Even after the fact has been pointed out to you.

A fact that you very helpfully helped to provide with your link. Thanks for that.

PPSN registratiion requires nationality and both revenue and DEASP have wide data sharing powers

Stop being a racist mate and campaign for those people to be locked up instead

soirry buddy, but you couldnt even demonstrate how to make toast

They should at least be denied medical treatment according to our liberals on the forum.

Has The Doxxer addressed this point yet or is he still running scared?

totally ignored


Sure thatā€™s what you get when you deal with a chap who is only interested in misinformation and misrepresentation of others to pedal his dogmatic and extremist views.

Youā€™ve been burned way beyond anything that resembles toast here, buddy.

And the way the circle jerk of racists formed around you in an instant couldnā€™t have demonstrated Fintan Oā€™Tooleā€™s thesis any better.

so now youre saying that oā€™fooleā€™s racist, ill informed, agenda driven piece on vaccine hesitancy is demonstrative of what has transpired on here this morning.

care to flesh that one out


Still going around shouting ā€œracistsā€, ā€œfar rightā€ etc like a maniac rather than addressing a simple point Iā€™d guess.

He must not have much faith in his intellectual ability.

Thereā€™s nothing better on tfk when lads start indirectly hurling abuse at each other in various posts.

The sock puppets donā€™t like it up 'em.

Some 127 of the 136 unvaccinated people admitted to ICU listed a country of birth. Remarkably, more were born abroad than were born in Ireland: 63 declared Ireland as their country of birth, while 64 have their country of birth categorised by the CSO as ā€œOutside Irelandā€.

In percentage terms, 50%, or half, of all the unvaccinated people admitted to ICU in September and October across the country were born abroad.

I should say that I donā€™t consider there to be anything xenophobic about attacking the unvaccinateds and the unvaxxed should all be thrown out of hospital, foreign and Irish-born alike.


That doesnā€™t in any way back up Fake News Foleyā€™s false claim.

But we do know youā€™re a hypocrite as you do not want to punish other sections of society who cause huge strain on the health service by lifestyle choices.