You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You can’t use facts that don’t suit the narrative pal. You need to delete that.

We’re still wondering why The Doxxer can’t address a simple question.

A lot of lads have disgraced themselves here yet again over the last half hour or so.

You’d think they’d have some embarrassment about them.

Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but how is that link verifying that the majority are from Eastern Europe It says that 1 in 4 are from Eastern Europe, so 75% of unvaccinated people in Ireland are not from Eastern Europe. Do we know what makes up that 75%?

Also, I havent a clue why your assumption or view would be considered any way racist at all.


Answer the question, @artfoley .

theres a question for you there too as well as my initial question that youve avoided all morning

It would seem to be a small modicum of common sense to close the schools on Friday, but anything remotely resembling common sense has long since departed a lot people, especially on this forum.

There’s a greater reluctance amongst Eastern Europeans to get vaccinated. Lots of reasons for that. Lads calling for people who don’t get vaccinated to be denied medical treatment are tying themselves in knots now that their policy looks slightly discriminatory against our immigrant population. and perhaps xenophobic

It’s classic tfk where they are what they accuse everybody else of being. Etc etc

Data released by the Central Statistics Office today shows that eastern European nationals working in Ireland have the lowest rates of Covid vaccination at 44pc, compared to 67pc of Western European nationals and 90pc of Irish nationals.

Vaccination rates among 18 to 24 year olds from Central and Eastern Europe were only 36pc.

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Whilst it is obviously a mistake to ever engage with Sidney, I don’t quite understand his complaint against @artfoley.

  • Art (incorrectly) said most unvaxxs are Eastern European. In fact they’re majority foreign, with Eastern Europeans making up roughly 50% of those foreigners, or 25% of the unvaxx overall.
  • We might guess that the other 50% of the unvaxxed foreigners in ICU are darker skinned, either African, South American or Asian/Middle Eastern.
  • If Art really had a racist motivation he would probaby want to emphasize the numbers of darker skinned people in ICU rather than accidentally minimize it.
  • I conclude therefore that Art made an innocent mistake.
  • I thought the NPHET / Establishment had accepted that they need to do more with foreigners so I’m surprised at Sidney’s reaction but I guess you should never be surprised with Sidney.

@TheUlteriorMotive @Gman back last summer when I ran that Anti-Lockdown facebook page for a few weeks, a massive percentage of the people who joined were Eastern Europeans. I didn’t keep stats on how many exactly but I’d say easily over 33% anyway. The demographic was slightly different from the Irish who joined. The Irish who joined were mostly dim hairdresser types, usually lacking college education. The Eastern Europeans came from a wider socio-economic circle I thought. And they were fucking mental, as mental as the stupid conspiracy-theory Irish ones. In retrospect I should have analysed all this properly before I shut it down.

The conclusion I drew from it is that there exists a massive suspicion of government in Eastern Europe, presumably as a result of communism. Official communications aren’t trusted as much as here. I also hypothesized that the fall of communism in Poland was partially a right-wing conservative populist movement.


Are we not allowed criticise different cultural norms?

A highly anticipated study of Pfizer’s Covid pill confirmed that it helps stave off severe disease, the company announced on Tuesday.

Pfizer also said its antiviral pill worked in laboratory studies against the Omicron variant, which is surging in South Africa and Europe and is expected to dominate U.S. cases in the weeks ahead.

“We are confident that, if authorized or approved, this potential treatment could be a critical tool to help quell the pandemic,” Albert Bourla, Pfizer’s chief executive, said in a statement.

Last month, Pfizer asked the Food and Drug Administration to authorize the pill, known as Paxlovid, based on a preliminary batch of data. The new results will undoubtedly strengthen the company’s application, which could mean that Americans infected with the virus may have access to the pill within weeks.

In Tuesday’s announcement, Pfizer said that if given within three days of the onset of symptoms, Paxlovid reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 89 percent. If given within five days, the risk was reduced almost as much, to 88 percent.

The results, based on an analysis of 2,246 unvaccinated volunteers at high risk of severe disease, largely match the company’s initial, smaller analysis of the clinical trial, released last month.

Pfizer said that 0.7 percent of patients who received Paxlovid were hospitalized within 28 days of entering the trial, and none died. By contrast, 6.5 percent of patients who received a placebo were hospitalized or died.

Pfizer also released preliminary data from a separate trial looking at people with a lower risk. These volunteers including vaccinated people who carried a risk factor for severe disease, as well as unvaccinated patients with no risk factors.

Among this group of 662 volunteers, Paxlovid reduced the risk of hospitalization and death by 70 percent, the company said.

Mikael Dolsten, the chief scientific officer of Pfizer, was exuberant about the results after having overseen the development of the drug since the spring of 2020, with more than 200 company scientists crafting the molecule and then testing it in animals and people.

While the drug was in development, Dr. Dolsten held out hope that it might be 60 percent effective. Its true potency left him stunned. “We really hit the top of the board,” he said in an interview.

In both trials, most of the volunteers were infected with the Delta variant. But Pfizer said on Tuesday that in laboratory experiments, Paxlovid also performed well against the highly mutated Omicron variant. The drug jams into one of Omicron’s key proteins — called a protease — just as effectively as it does with other variants, Pfizer found.

Pfizer’s good news came as its rival, Merck, awaited word on authorization of its own antiviral pill, known as molnupiravir. In October, Merck and its partner Ridgeback Biotherapeutics announced that the pill reduced the risk of hospitalization and death from Covid-19 by 50 percent if taken within five days of the onset of symptoms.

But once the companies carried out a final analysis on all their data, the effectiveness dropped to 30 percent. At an F.D.A. advisory committee meeting last month, a number of experts reacted coolly to this modest effectiveness, especially given some concerns about the safety of the pill.

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Both my parents have had Covid in the last couple of weeks. Both 70. To be honest a year ago this would have been very very worrying but now with both triple-vaccinated the discussion was more about the inconvenience of isolating etc. Neither of them were particularly worried but I’d imagine my mother would have been very nervous pre-vaccination.

I do accept that a small % individuals who are vaccinated can be much worse but to my mind the shift in the sense of risk, both for them and for their children, was illustrative.

As you point out, it’s in the round in terms of overall hospital capacity issues that the main challenge seems to be at this stage.


Fintan O’Toole needs to explain why Eastern Europe has more fascists and egoists than Western Europe

You made a blatantly false claim which vilified people of eastern European origin.

Another poster apart from myself has now demonstrated the falsity of your claim.

You still have not admitted the falsity of your claim.

Every post since the falsity of your claim was pointed out has been deflection and windmilling. And the circle jerk of lowlifes that have gathered around you isn’t helping you one little bit.

It would be a lot easier for you if you just admitted your claim was complete bullshit.

People who want others with opposing views and beliefs discriminated against are the very definition of fascists.

It’s gas the way we have a deranged Doxxer going around on here projecting all his toxic traits and ideologies onto others.

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Only if we are not doing it from a position of relative privilege.

It’s quite anti immigrant. Trumpian.

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you still havent answered the initiaal question, what are you so scared of


Central and Eastern European 18-24 yos seem to be a lot more intelligent than the hams in Ireland.

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The operative word being incorrect.

When the incorrectness of a claim is pointed out in stark terms and the person who makes the false claim refuses to admit the claim is false, that then becomes deliberate lying.

And any reasonable person can see the motivation, especially when the false claim is against ethnic minorities.