You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Don’t forget India where Delta originated, 200 million living on top of each other in slums. Now Modi may be a cunt but even if Gandhi or Jesus were PM the outcome would be the same.

You are hopefully right on the evolution of the virus, if it follows the same trajectory as prior coronaviruses it will become like the common cold in time. But immunity is the key, the main reason colds don’t bother us too much is our immune systems are well adapted to them over hundreds or thousands of years of infection, and we have been infected with them dozens of times in our lifetime.

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A new variant that could evade the vaccines right in time for Christmas. You seem absolutely thrilled about that as well.

You’re a gas man.

christ man
that’s a great post, never knew you had it in you

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Knocked it out of the park.

He religiously watches the 9 o clock news. Can’t stop him.
I observed it tonight and tried to turn it off but he wouldn’t let me.

The same fella will still go to the pub/work and matches but there so many more who must be scared shitless from it to the point they won’t go about their usual patterns of life.


Once he is still getting out and about thats good @endakenny , fucking RTE and their cohorts are trying to hypnotize that generation with total fear.

They’re being well monetized for it too. Its a disgrace.

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It won’t stop him.

The problem is he does be taking to loads of fellas in his job spreading the fear himself. It’s the knock on damage.

Myself and the brothers are lucky we can see both sides of the coin. He isn’t.

An acquaintance of mine has reported a full dining room in Wallace’s Asti on Jones’ Road tonight.

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I’m coming to that conclusion now too. If every country in the world, at the exact same time, had agreed to close it’s borders, lock all of it’s citizens into their homes for umm say 3 months, close all schools and colleges, shut down every business that can’t be done online and basically untrain humans to not be humans we would be out of this mess by now. And if that didn’t work the first time and there was some “breakthrough cases” we could go again and again and again. And there would be no adverse effects to this at all. At all at all. He’s right and the tiny tiny group of people who believe this are in any way right or effective are not completely insane.

We need to start eliminating these super spreader cunting children. It’s a solution, some may say a solution that is final but we are where we are and if people don’t start listening to an associate professor in trinity college with no kids and no life experience who wants to dictate to all of us how we should live every aspect of our lives then we deserve everything that’s coming to us.

We can be zero, just for one day.


Fucking murderers

I thought I might trigger the usual suspects, but this is a surprise old pal. That’s me told anyway - I know how that builder next door felt now.


Take a bow there mate :clap:t3: :clap:t3:

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You nailed it there @Horsebox :clap:

Thread 6 has been an overwhelming triumph for OIUTF so far no doubt about that


Is 12pm Sunday confirmed so?

That’s extraordinary. I’ve never seen more than 4 people in there at the one time.


Isn’t it gas how flammable and inflammable mean exactly the same thing. A bit like wormer and dewormer, as in one of the uses for ivermectin. Would there be any harm in describing it as a viral drug, rather than an antiviral drug?
It’s mad Ted.

Two posts of the year in the past hour, Covid is bringing out the latent novelist in lads.

:grin: I’ve tried to stay out of these threads for the last while mate but tonight was a wake up call for me as to what’s coming.

And that cunting builder got what was coming to him.