You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Why not?

He said vaccines were 100% safe and effective and people have died or have had sever reactions to getting the vaccines?

So why do vaccine zealots not bear accountability for their misinformation which can cost lives when anti-vaxx nuts supposedly have to.

Iā€™m a moderate you see. McCloskey and Oā€™Neill are at other ends of the extremes - one actually benefits massively financially out of itā€¦

Paddy needs this. Good and proper.

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sure paddy fucked up by not banning off sales: theyve killed the pubs where thefre wouldve been tracking and tracing and bulked up the profits of tessy cohen and basically told people to go to house parties, while putting thousands of hospitality workers on the PUP and in all likelihood onto the live register

If Breda and Nuala canā€™t see it going on then itā€™s job done for the authorities.

@artfoley is racist against Eastern Europeans seems a reasonable conclusion to draw from that.

youā€™ve nailed him there in fairness

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He either made a massive exaggeration because of his own racist bias or else heā€™s a slaphead fool who mistook ā€œ25%ā€ for ā€œvast majorityā€ because he canā€™t read. Itā€™s one or the other.

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sure, eminently reasonable, and not some unhinged supposition

That or youā€™re an idiot. Your call.

Matt Cooper appears to want a booster after 28 days. Another deranged headbanger.

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People in hospital with covid down 10% from two weeks ago. Only 492 now, 109 in ICU.


Maybe we could start a thread ā€œthings you wonā€™t hear on rteā€


Down 28% since November 22 when 684 were in hospital


You forgot the 3rd option, that youā€™re a snivelling little ciward


And a vaccine thief who wants other vaccine thieves sacked for jumping the vaccine queue.

The sense of entitlement is strong with this one.

Classic fooly breakdown of spelling and grammar as he hammers the keyboard in rage.

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No. Was there not a thread dedicated to the different cultural norms of a particular group which was closed\locked\shut down?

One way to get a seat!


Roughly 10% of the population is forgien born and a majority of that is Eastern European would be a safe bet to say at least 1% of the unvaxed 6% are in that group. No need to vilify these people but get the required info to them